Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

The greatest idea celtic heroes will ever get!

Ok I went a little to far, mabye the worst idea celtic heroes may ever get :lol: im just kidding but it is a pretty resonable idea... From some research I found out that some games have milestones (an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development). This basically means your reach a goal I guess ;). But let me explain how games use milestones... Some games will use a milestone for levels ( basically every game that has milestones use for reaching a ceartian level) once you reach the correct level to gain a milestone, then you have somthing pop up on your screen saying " CONGRATS YOUVE REACHED YOUR FIRST MILESTONE!". My idea is basically like that but changed is many ways. So to start of my excellent idea, let me give you the "idea" of it then we will go into specifics... My idea is every 25 levels you earn a milestone, but when you reach that milestone you earn a symbol next to your name and a special reward. So I would first like to explain the symbol... So basically every time you reach a milestone your symbol next to your name will change... For example:
-level 25 (first symbol
-level 50+ (new symbol every 25 levels)
This symbol idea will give somone to fell like they have accomplished a goal (and it will make the game more addiciting since now there like "dang, I want the best symbol so I can say I'm better than NUKEGURL, im just joking nukegurl... So don't take it personal :P ). Now that I finished that exciting part of the idea :lol: let's get started on the reward you earn from reaching a milestone..
Ok so the reward you would earn could be a special wepon or item, or a BIG fat stack of gold coins.. If the reward was coins I think it should be 25,000 for when you reach your first milestone (level 25), then level 50 would reward you with 50,000 and so on.
Now with the items >:D I was thinking a powerful wepon or a armor set... Like mabye for one of the wepons.. It could be like the warden wepon but less stronger then obvisly the higher you get the stronger the wepon gets... ( and I know for a fact all you peeps out there are going to say "well what if I'm a axe person and not a sword person? I don't want no sword I want that axe". Well, what a interesting question... Honestly they can make a sword version, axe version, whatever version.........
That's basically it, obvisly it could have more work but let me know any flaws :) and don't be a mean person AND DONT GO OFF TOPIC :evil: :evil:
Retired from Forums 1\1\15

PM - Invaded in game for further questions.

Re: The greatest idea celtic heroes will ever get!

Why's this um in Crom forum? ._.
Invade listen to this Hobo nub. ;)
Your ideas are great but getting to 25 and 50 is easy meaning that people can constantly make accounts and then get 50k and transfer back and forth, the pros and cons... Consider the idea again (not saying bad) just the rewards achieved is a bit "extreme" but overall the title and everything is good.
Just another idea too. That Celtic should revolve in a day and night instead of constant day, or how the weather is changing making it more suitable instead of summer / spring throughout the entire game (Lir's). New areas and maybe that dock near tavern we can travel else where? Again just ideas.
Desolate (Ranger) - Level above 1
Ranger is: Ward of the forest.

Xaluis (Mage) - Level about 52
Aravos (Warrior) - Level about 74
UrTargeted (Ranger) - N/A

Re: The greatest idea celtic heroes will ever get!

I agree with you completly late... Instead of cash maybe a item that is usefull... But is NO TRADE. So people cannot make accounts and earn the cash, and then transfer it. But also late I agree with you about the weather and day time il try my hardest to get it passed threw and put into the game :D
Retired from Forums 1\1\15

PM - Invaded in game for further questions.

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