Hello there! Today I'm asking what would you do with 10 million gold coins... REMEMBER stay on topic please but to start of my topic here is what I would do with 10million gold coins
Connacht vanq set - 2 million gold coins
Connacht magus set - 2 million gold coins
Connacht pathfinder set - 2 million gold coins
Divine broom of embers - 3 million gold coins
Full solstice set - 1million gold coins
Total cost = 10 million gold coins
That's what I would buy Connacht, Connacht, Connacht and some other stuff (fyi I'm a Connacht fanatic ) anyway hope you leave what you would buy and please stay on topic! And I know the prices may be wrong....
What would you do with 10 million gold coins?
#1Retired from Forums 1\1\15
PM - Invaded in game for further questions.
PM - Invaded in game for further questions.