Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: The end of the lux charms?

I would buy 24 thousand sigils and be immortal personally - not knowing what else to do with your money is kind of silly.

Collecting is fun but IMO 24m is over the top.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: The end of the lux charms?

Except for that pesky little thing called combat :). But ya these people that spend huge gold on trivial things like mounts or camo charms I have yet to see be fully decked out in event lux. Some people just waste their gold.
A Mage is like a Lamborghini, You don't get one as your first car or daily driver and there are cheaper cars that go faster and are more comfortable anyway.

Re: The end of the lux charms?

Oh I don't know about it being silly not knowing what to do with your gold. At one point after having gotten all the lux I needed at 150 and vendor ancient wyrm gear I had nothing else I wanted to buy and had a few mil in gold left and didn't really know what to do with it aside from just keep accumulating gold.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: The end of the lux charms?

Oh I don't know about it being silly not knowing what to do with your gold. At one point after having gotten all the lux I needed at 150 and vendor ancient wyrm gear I had nothing else I wanted to buy and had a few mil in gold left and didn't really know what to do with it aside from just keep accumulating gold.
once you have midnight tali, reaper ring, sunshard bracelet, 150 event ring, and full radiant es then we can talk lol. U r poor son ;).
A Mage is like a Lamborghini, You don't get one as your first car or daily driver and there are cheaper cars that go faster and are more comfortable anyway.

Re: The end of the lux charms?

Oh I don't know about it being silly not knowing what to do with your gold. At one point after having gotten all the lux I needed at 150 and vendor ancient wyrm gear I had nothing else I wanted to buy and had a few mil in gold left and didn't really know what to do with it aside from just keep accumulating gold.
once you have midnight tali, reaper ring, sunshard bracelet, 150 event ring, and full radiant es then we can talk lol. U r poor son ;).

Half that stuff is sub par to boss loot such as garanak sets. Radiant es isnt worth anything but collector value anymore
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: The end of the lux charms?

Oh I don't know about it being silly not knowing what to do with your gold. At one point after having gotten all the lux I needed at 150 and vendor ancient wyrm gear I had nothing else I wanted to buy and had a few mil in gold left and didn't really know what to do with it aside from just keep accumulating gold.
once you have midnight tali, reaper ring, sunshard bracelet, 150 event ring, and full radiant es then we can talk lol. U r poor son ;).

Half that stuff is sub par to boss loot such as garanak sets. Radiant es isnt worth anything but collector value anymore
Dont level alts do you?
A Mage is like a Lamborghini, You don't get one as your first car or daily driver and there are cheaper cars that go faster and are more comfortable anyway.

Re: The end of the lux charms?

So, how many of you that think the prices on growth/shrink charms will skyrocket also subscribe to infinitiy's youtube vids?
111% lol. I'm trying to get rid of mine because knowing OTM they will get you stuck in walls or cant walk under trees lol.
A Mage is like a Lamborghini, You don't get one as your first car or daily driver and there are cheaper cars that go faster and are more comfortable anyway.

Re: The end of the lux charms?

Oh I don't know about it being silly not knowing what to do with your gold. At one point after having gotten all the lux I needed at 150 and vendor ancient wyrm gear I had nothing else I wanted to buy and had a few mil in gold left and didn't really know what to do with it aside from just keep accumulating gold.
once you have midnight tali, reaper ring, sunshard bracelet, 150 event ring, and full radiant es then we can talk lol. U r poor son ;).
Well I have the sunshard bracer and sunshard ammy. I have a 150 event ring. We don't have radiant es or reaper on android.

I started leveling alts so I could spend money XD
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

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