^^ I have used lifesteal extensively. I've actually written a full dex DPS rogue guide before. I was a full support rogue and loved it. Had gead to make it hit the 2000's. But with endgame when you have full gear it becomes obsolete dps-wise. Only 1-2 rogues in my clan use rend because it doesn't stack. We do have a ranger whos recently switched to barbed because it lands more often than autos and the dot's make up for the cast time
That's why I only took it into consideration for PvP and PvE/levelling. My rogue, who is level 196, leveled on wyrms with a dex build and i rocked fast reflexes, poison weapon, quick strike, shadow strike and life steal and I never hit the restoration pot button.
Keep in mind the categories I set up for each comparison.
- For PvP, it was dex rogue vs. strength ranger.
- For raids, it was strength rogue vs. strength ranger.
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Rogue Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
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