Or whoever gets lock other clan just leave, how bout that
So if elite gets lock over wg, you will leave? I had to say it lol.
we can help the other clan out at least until we die then just respawn or what not.. It's sad to see that people only care for people that they group themselves with.
So you want us to basically gear you guys out of the kindness of our hearts because even though we aren't in the same clan we are humans? What a bunch of garbage along with your clan.
1. No one said you had to help them everytime, just be nice once in a while. If you saw someone on the street fall over and drop their stuff would you help them up? Or not? They aren't in your family, it's just the good thing to do...
2. Both of these clans take the game way too seriously, it's a GAME, I am not taking sides here as I have friends in elite and wg but you are really not getting the point here, Im not saying you need to be a casual player but I know people who have spent $5000+ on this game, real life comes first.
Your arguement is invalid.