by Trouble
This NEEDs to be fixed... When you swipe down to check notifications or swipe up to change your song, or even if u dbl hit home button to close other apps... OR GET 5-10% BATTERY SIGNS it relogs you, when your killing a raid boss and your tank gets d/c for having 10% batt it is simply retarded. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it.
Move her back a bit, i mean.. Its not hard, as seen in pics shes sittin on wyrms that people need to level on. Dont think nyone would disagree on this fix, do it please.
Other then them couple things idm the engine, just keep working hard and listening to player feedback and you'll have a happy community... Ty
Trouble, 198 Rogue. distant, 195 ranger. Imageination, 135 mage
Don't Trouble Trouble untill Trouble Troubles you.