Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: All About Gwydion!

Yes dear, I'm saying a fail for all, a third strong clan would have been nice to throw into the mix. It looked like it was working but I've been gone for awhile. Good luck to both and have a nice holiday. Hope fully soon I will return to the game one day. My Final Sith Lord Training is soon to be completed.

Re: All About Gwydion!

Yes dear, I'm saying a fail for all, a third strong clan would have been nice to throw into the mix. It looked like it was working but I've been gone for awhile. Good luck to both and have a nice holiday. Hope fully soon I will return to the game one day. My Final Sith Lord Training is soon to be completed.
Once it is may i be your padwan and you can train me in the ways of the dark side? -.o
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: All About Gwydion!

Cry is dead... there hasn't been a full clan in gwydion since the new update everyone has started their own. Relentless is hardly ever active beside a few members, Solitaire is basically only on when a boss pops up and Godlike has scraglers here and there as well. My clan, Malevolent (Rapture/GorgeousDeath) is lvl 20+ and always welcoming new members we're active and play to have fun. help with quests, boss fight, and often give items out.

Re: All About Gwydion!

Cry is dead... there hasn't been a full clan in gwydion since the new update everyone has started their own. Relentless is hardly ever active beside a few members, Solitaire is basically only on when a boss pops up and Godlike has scraglers here and there as well. My clan, Malevolent (Rapture/GorgeousDeath) is lvl 20+ and always welcoming new members we're active and play to have fun. help with quests, boss fight, and often give items out.
How do u know what goes on in relent and soli? Relent has its off hrs at times like any other clan in this game cause most have work and school, soli doesnt just show for bosses cause i do see many online lvling, camping and hanging in castle.
Str8Chaos (Rogue)- 226
Barracuda (Mage)-218
BDAsFinest (Warrior)- 201
BdaDruid (Druid)- 200
ClearSpray (Ranger)- 197
TapTapKO (Rogue)- 143
Gratz (Rogue)- 143
BDArcher (Ranger)- 92

TapTapKO (Rogue)- 210

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