You took the words right out of my mouth...Fingers lol.SAO, which is really GGO, blows. Why? Because in SAO, there was a penalty for dying in game, it meant you also died irl, it made every boss fight, every encounter that much more exciting and mind blowing. Same thing with the beginning of GGO, we assumed the players life were in real life danger because of this player who had "figured out" a way to kill players irl with a in game item. However, that conflict didn't even last the full season, now it's set in alfhiem or whatever it's called and in real life. I don't give to ***** about Asuna and her mom realitonship issues tbh, this is one of those shows, that should have just ended at season one, because now it just has a bad aftertaste.
SAO was awesome, and had a cool concept, specially if you like playing mmorpg games, but then it ended, and ALO came and ruined my interest.
GGO wasn't bad imo, and those 8 or 9 episodes were pretty good, and I finally spent time watching 2-4 episodes a day, because it was kinda interesting.
To be honest, they should have been more deep in the SAO plot. They probably skipped a ton of stuff, and definitely rushed the characters, which if they made it a bit deeper, they could have probably made 2-3 seasons with just SAO, and not ALO, which for most people it was super awkward ( weird romance ) and just lame tbh.