by Lag
In this case, they most likely had a mass account disable without warning to prevent the economies on all of the servers from crashing. If they just sent out warnings, all of the ill-gotten plat still out there, would still be out there. The only way to stabilize things without blindly removing ALL of the plat from offending players was to lock those accounts. That has given OTM time to review log files to figure out which plat was purchased and which was obtained through the glitch. Had they not taken these extreme measures, the gold price for plat items would have dropped to nothing and the price to purchase non-vendor weps/armor/drops would have gone thru the roof. In other words, the rich players get richer and the poor players get nothing.
Granted, that much unpurchased plat out there was also hurting OTM's bottom line but I like to think they were doing it to stabilize the economies.
Hopefully someone from OTM can correct me if I am mistaken.
Lag: Rogue of Mabon
iLag, uLag, WeAllLag