Hey there fellow Heroes,
I am a man of many talents, however, one of which is not drawing. I may have steady hands but I am lost when I am left to just a piece of paper, a pencil and my imagination.
My entry to the competition is as follows:
I cannot draw, so I have attached an image to something I felt I would of drawn, or a foe I would like to face, this is attached below
The above image was extracted from the following website:
All rights and copyrights associated with the image listed, belong to the respective owner. The description however is my own work and is in no way associated with the rights of the image.
The life of Farvugar
Farvugar is the *** son of the Horned Celtic deity God Cernunnos - The Lord of wildlife and animals. After being born into the world he was instantly outcasted, with no knowledge of his father, and his family murdered from a Bushfire, he was alone. Farvugar had to fend for himself, adapting to his surrounding. He was born into the world inheriting animalistic features, most notably his deer like head and thick long hair all over his back and legs. However he also had acquired human characteristics, the physiology and anatomy of a human body (excluding his head).
Unlike other beasts, Farvugar is small in stature and has no chance in battle unless, they were on his terms. Being outcasted gave Farvugar a lot of time to adapt to his surroundings, this exclusion encouraged him to make alliances with the most terrible of Celtic Demons, Crom Cruach. The alliance with Crom Cruach was Farvugar's way of rebelling against the society that had outcasted him, and this alliance allowed him to study the anatomy and battle techniques of his enemies with the endless amount of resources Crom Cruach made accessible to him.
The malicious intent Farvugar has for his studies, has proven worth to Crom Cruach. This granted Farvugar his opportunity, his opportunity to take revenge onto those who casted him out of the social cliques.
Farvugar's Battle Schematics
Farvugar has been a nomad all his life. He could never really settle in one place for too long, either because the locals would turn up with pitchforks at his door screaming "monster" and "half-breed" as well as other purgatories. So he got used to the life of adapting, settling down quickly and moving on.
By being a nomad, it means this boss, Farvugar is never found quite in the same spot, he has a random spawn between
three places. Each of these places have their own negative debuff (or aurora effect - one could say), these debuffs are immune to Farvugar, as they are of his creation.
Random Locations
Location 1 - Highshore Village:
Background- Farvugar, in contact with Crom Cruach organised to take highshore village captive. They managed to smuggle powerful Ents (Villanous Trees - As seen in the Otherworld) to siege the small village while Farvugar terrifies residing heroes and challenges fearsome foes.
Intention: Farvugar seeks to find information on Farcrag castle. He seeks to find weaknesses in the castle guard, and eventually infiltrate the castle with the aid of Crom Cruach to take down the almighty Lord Maclir.
Quest Story: Hero, thank goodness we found you! Farvugar has returned with a vengeance, he has struck the soul of Lirs Reach, Highshore village and is seeking answers! You must, with the aid of your allies thwart his plans to infiltrate Farcrag Castle!
Highshore Village Atmospheric Debuff: Farvugar has managed to elementally modify Crom Cruach's Ents. He managed to imbued the power of poision into their roots, and the trees are taking in the oxygen of Highshore village and turning it into posion. Luckily, Farvugar only managed to modify FOUR trees (each tree is guarded by adds - like their own mini boss, but a lot less health - lots of resistance) these trees are found just outside the boundaries of Highshore village, highly guarded. This Debuff, is a DoT and does 800 (debateable) damage per tick.
The Four Tree's: because of the amount of energy, and continued strain on the trees from omitting the Poison into the air, they cannot attack foes. The trees only defence, are their guards, these guards have large amounts of health and attack!
Encounter Layout:
Red - Adds
Yellow - Poison Imbued Trees
Blue - Farvugar
Black - Adds Bound to Farvugar
Negating the Debuff: The are two ways to negate this debuff. One of which is to kill the trees, every time one tree dies the debuff is weakened making it less damage per tick. The second; A crafty Apothecary in farcrag castle, has crafted up a tonic - however he isn't willing to give up his ingredients for free, there is a price for the ingredient list (you buy the ingredient list, and then you have to craft your potion from finding ingredients that are rare to come buy and some common - this will expand economy).
Farvugar's last defence: You have the tree's and the debuff protecting Farvugar , but in case the fails he has a Plan B. Farvugar is located on the middle of Highshore village, he has EIGHT adds that wield poision weapons, and have extremely large resistance towards slash and crush. TWO of these eight adds, are bonded to Farvugar (meaning as long as they are alive Farvugar can drain their health and heal himself- these two adds obviously have large quantities of health)
Farvugar's Skills: because he is a naturalist, he does come equipped with a cloak of thorns, and a huge resistance against magic, and ice - however his weakness is fire (as his family died from a large bush fire).
He has a skill, where he casts *Poison Bomb* which if debuff is active, gives a 50% boost to debuff. Or if not active makes a 30 second DoT on players in close proximity.
*Natures Fury* Aoe Lightning strike, granting huge amounts of damage
*Call of the Wilds* is a skill that brings in all adds nearby to heal him.
*Natures Sympathy* is casted when he is at 25% health left, this casts practically an energy shield around him.
Farvugar's last line of defence:
When Farvugar reaches 1% health, he lets off a smoke bomb and disappears with all his adds back to Crom Cruach, however in the quick haste he leaves his loot bag behind to the brave heroes that had slain him.
Farvugar's Weapon: Farvugar carries around something of his own invention, which is an atlatl - this allows him to shoot miniature arrows at his foes. In close range he comes equipped with two poison daggers.
Location 2 - Farcrag Castle:
Background- Farvugar has successfully sneaked into Farcrag castle, by posing as a beggar wrapped in cloth, he has killed the main entrance guards and opened to doors to assemble his allies.
Intention: Farvugar is seeking to end his pain and suffering where it all began, here in Farcrag castle lies Lord Maclir, and his death will see Farvugar's personal vendetta succeeded.
Quest Story: Hero, thank goodness we found you! Farvugar has returned, right here in Farcrag Castle! We are not safe, no one is safe you must rally your friends and take him down! The life of lord Maclir lies in your hands, and I'm sure he would reward you handsomely if you could just go to his aid.
Farcrag Castle Atmospheric Debuff: Farvugar while posing as a helpless beggar, managed to plant smoking contraptions all over the castle. These contraptions blind all heroes decreasing their defence, and their attack.
Encounter Layout:
Blue: Farvugar
Red: Adds (notice how some are placed near leystone)
Negating the Debuff: There are no known ways of negating this debuff, however it is rumoured that if you wield a torch in your offhand that it helps you see things a lot clearer, granting you more attack and defense.
First line of defence: Farvugar has brought with him a breaching party of Barbarians. He has been in contact with the north coasts off of Lirs Reach. There are 12 adds in this encounter, each barbarian is a heavy hitter - well trained in the art of combat, they have high slash, crush and, piercing resistance, however not used to the magical world of Lirs Reach they have weakness to all things elemental.
Farvugar's Skills: Farvugar is completely out of his element, he is not adapted well adapted to the urban society that left him behind. He has high resistance to Ice, Magic, Slash and Poison. *Poison Bomb* creates a 30 second DoT
*Natures Fury* AOE Lightning strike, huge damage to all within radius
*Croms Life Drain* Crom Cruach recently imbued Farvugar with the skill of life drain.
*Call of the Wilds* is a skill that brings in all adds nearby to heal him.
*Natures Sympathy* is casted when he is at 25% health left, this casts practically an energy shield around him.
Farvugar's last line of defence:
When Farvugar reaches 1% health, he lets off a smoke bomb and disappears with all his adds back to Crom Cruach, however in the quick haste he leaves his loot bag behind to the brave heroes that had slain him.
Farvugar's Weapon: Farvugar carries around something of his own invention, which is an atlatl - this allows him to shoot miniature arrows at his foes. In close range he comes equipped with two poison daggers.
Location 3: Fingals Cave Encampment
Background- Miners at the Fingal cave encampment have accidentally stumbled across one of Farvugar's hiding caverns. The place has been trapped and rigged, so that only the strongest will survive to battle Farvugar.
Intention: The accidental discovery of one of Farvugar's secret caverns, have put his plans at risk! He must stay and defend his cavern, so his intel on Crom Cruach and his malicious intentions don't get put in the wrong hands.
Quest Story: Hero, thank goodness we found you! Miners have managed to uncover one of secret caverns. Fortunately he is still inside, however he has the place rigged with traps! We need you and your allies to go in there and flush him out, so we can keep fingals cave safe.
Fingals Cave Encampment Atmospheric Debuff: The cavern is covered in lavish green crawlers and vines, these vines omit a sweet sent that makes the heroes that enter feel tired - resulting in a debuff to defence, and also ensnares all that enter (bolas effect) and to add to that Poison leaks from the vines of the plants creating a DoT effect.
Negating the Debuff: There is a tonic that, ingredients can only be found in the cavern.
Farvugar's First Line of Defence: Farvugar has been playing with natures magic, and has found a way to summon adds. He summons 6 adds, all with extreme amounts of health. These adds are bound to Farvugar, which means that Farvugar can only take damage when these adds are all killed. (He can re-summon the adds, one by one after 5 mins)
Farvugar's Skills: because he is a naturalist, he does come equipped with a cloak of thorns, and a huge resistance against magic, and ice - however his weakness is fire (as his family died from a large bush fire).
*Natures Fury* Aoe Lightning strike
*Call of the Wilds* is a skill that brings in all adds nearby to heal him.
*Natures Sympathy* is casted when he is at 25% health left, this casts practically an energy shield around him.
Farvugar's last line of defence:
When Farvugar reaches 1% health, he lets off a smoke bomb and disappears with all his adds back to Crom Cruach, however in the quick haste he leaves his loot bag behind to the brave heroes that had slain him.
Farvugar's Weapon: Farvugar carries around something of his own invention, which is an atlatl - this allows him to shoot miniature arrows at his foes. In close range he comes equipped with two poison daggers.
* Some spawn locations for Farvugar, may be in an illogical space, and some encounters may seem a tad over the top (or lack - I do apologise, I am tired) but I think they are all quite achieve able with the right strategy and players.