How can he murder more people if he's in custody with no parole?Thats actually a good reason why to add death penalty, its obvious that most ppl dont murder, so those who actually kill several victims (which also highers the average) are the ones who should be sentenced for death, regardless if it'll prevent or reduce future serial killers appearing, it'll simply get rid of a person with very high potential of murdering more ppl. U could say 'jail him for life', but that helps no one, its like torturing the criminal himself while the civils pay taxes for it.Sorry but the facts prove you wrong Friddo.
The US had a 2013 murder rate of 4.8 victims per 100,000—meaning that nearly 15,000 people were victims of homicide that year.
Capital punishment does not appear to be doing its job; it doesn’t seem to be changing every criminal’s mind about killing innocent people.
This begs the response: If it does not appear to be doing the very job it was put to do, then it serves no purpose and the warning of life in prison without parole is a better alternative.
Re: Death Penalty
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