Celtic Heroes

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Arg Har Har!

Hello, lads and lassies of ch. As you all are aware I've been a shrimp boat cpt'n for quite some time. A real relic of the sea, a scruffy barnacle of sorts. Anyhoo, let me tell yah me tale of woe. About a month ago me ship titled "suck my wake" sank off the coast of ain't gonna go shrimping there anymore. Needless to say I was stranded on that island with no means to venture home. I was able to build another ship over time using nose hairs (not mine) and twigs that were found on the island. With this glorious vessel I made it home safe and sound. Thank the bb jesus and Hail Mary and whatnot.

My question to you good folks how has ch been? What did I miss? I heard there be a new 8 cylinder engine...
Tarzanny - Ranger Lvl 194+
Chief of clan Epsilon
Snoofkinlagen - Druid Lvl 165+
Darkhorse - Rogue Lvl 220+

Re: Arg Har Har!

I think the real question, is if you were stranded on a island alone, whos nose hairs did you build your ship out of, if they weren't yours?
Biteri 224 rogue, Rosmerta, Reserverence.
Yes, I seem to be back again.

Re: Arg Har Har!

I'm glad you asked Mr. Brian. I'm assuming before my arrival a tribe of noseharians lived there. There was nose/pubic hair everywhere. Of course I left the pubic hair that would just be disgusting.
Tarzanny - Ranger Lvl 194+
Chief of clan Epsilon
Snoofkinlagen - Druid Lvl 165+
Darkhorse - Rogue Lvl 220+

Re: Arg Har Har!

Haven't seen ta in a while Zan! You need ta come back and revive panth!!! :)
Hey Death, I'm a full time Arawnian now God help their souls... Of course, every once in a while I'll hop on Rose to say hello to my Ol Buddies. Remember these very wise words I found on the interwebnet.

I was caring for a woman from Kentucky and asked, "So, how's your breakfast this morning?" "It's very good, except for the Kentucky Jelly. I can't seem to get used to the taste," the patient replied. I then asked to see the jelly and the woman produced a foil packet labeled "KY Jelly." Dr. Leonard Kransdorf, Detroit, MI, courtesy of Jack Shea

Tarzanny - Ranger Lvl 194+
Chief of clan Epsilon
Snoofkinlagen - Druid Lvl 165+
Darkhorse - Rogue Lvl 220+

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