Your reading your personal thoughts into this i never clarified nor did anyone else that all low lvl players or people who make the ocasional slip up on these few things that every player finds annoying is a "must block noob" yes some need a push in the right direction but if you read clearly everyone who goes into detail with their exspeirence clearly states the ones that persist in doing what they are doing after you tell or talk to them deserve to be blocked. Calm down Tea its just a friendly ramble for everyone who gets annoyed by noobs (not the new player lost in the celtic world noob, the im clearly not new but i still want free stuff noob)I hate how this community puts noob behaviour on the Noob, and not on the community.
You know how you solve all that behaviour that you hate? You take the time to talk to someone, you let them know that spamming and begging and all that behaviour is really poor server etiquette and will get you quickly blocked. You give examples of good behaviour, you instruct how people can learn how to enter into the community and not shoot themselves in the foot on a behaviour level. You take the time to educate and instruct and not simply act aloof and elite, like you weren't EXACTLY like that a number of months ago.
Here's the fact. This game caters to VERY few MMO veterans. Sure some exist, some know how to act and how to play their dynamic group role, but most of everyone are indeed total noobs. It's the nature of a Free2Play game. Looking down on people like you are somehow cooler and better because you don't step in and guide people in laughable to me. And I'm not just talking to the people on this thread, I am talking to this entire community.
I personally enjoy making fun of really selfish people on shout, but I do take the time to talk to people who spam or beg me. It's largely a thin line between taking the time to block the obvious bad eggs, and helping the people who are just unknowledgable.
Sure some people are meant to be blocked, some people are morons and can't be taught, but looking at every Noob as that awful block able player is disgusting, and with the advent of a new update and a noob friendly game. You all need to change your attitudes, because its all disgusting.
Re: Noobs and thier "Thrift store personalitys"
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid