by irok220
Yea these guys are becoming a real pain
Not that long ago there was one of my clan members doing the daily quest, and 1 of them was killing her, when i came and told them to stop, they didnt, and continued, i became a temporary body guard to my clan member, killing this person 2 times
Now every time i enter arena i am targetted because he says i killed him for no reason
Sometimes this angers me, and i feel like blowing my top at the guy
Now days, for me as im sure it is the same for many of the players on crom, it is a battle to do daily quest, needing a small army of people to help keep these dumbasses off questers back
I kno danu has helped me on several occasions (THANK YOU DANU!!!) but they rnt always around, and i am often the only person around to take them on, and if i begin to win, they call some of their pther buddies to come and double team me
A rogue, with 1500 max hp is barely a pvp build, i struggle to fend off 1 of them, so 2 if not more is when it becomes close to impossible for me
I dont kno what we can actually do about these people
The only thing i can think of is having firing squads in arena all the time until they give in, or just so that some of us can do daily
Other then that we could just wait until they do something they shouldnt, and report them, maybe suspending their account or something
But that simply wont work for all of them