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Pre-necro griefing by ret. This isn't all the griefing that occurrd, just some of the griefing I witnessed and screenshotted on my iPhone. (I had other on my ipad but that broke)
Why would Dxter ask him to stop if we had been griefing prior?
Obviously this doesn't prove jah's innocence in anything, however it atleast shows ret isnt as innocent as they claim to be. (The 200 rd hiding was talking about griefing on was Garanak RD I believe) - I'll try dig out the other ss of ret's griefing, however Arix/Dxter has seen plenty of screen shots. Also got some of Hiding griefing the 190 boss that he claimed he hadn't on, which accompanied by the other is particularly funny.


This is hiding trying to defend his own and Tigerfist's griefing at the boss he claimed he didnt grief at, proving hes a liar. Ofcourse this doesnt show him griefing, only Tigerfist.
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Re: Due to popular demand...

1) Your clan grief our Necro because one of our generals tried to stop a clansman from griefing? Seems legit.
2) If a rogue was the reason why your 165/190/200 boss reset then I feel really sorry for you.
3) There are no mobs that have AoE on despoiler.

How many times has Dova stood under Priestess so that she would insta-aggro btw? This was long before the Ret-Jah alliance.

You griefed our first Hrung.
You griefed our first Mord.
Hell you even used to pull our Aggy up a wall with a jailbroken device.

I'd be surprised if anyone actually buys this crap.
"We don't agree because our experience brings us to opposing views. That's life. At the end of the day there's no reason to go against how you see it. The choice is yours."

Re: Due to popular demand...

1) Your clan grief our Necro because one of our generals tried to stop a clansman from griefing? Seems legit.
2) If a rogue was the reason why your 165/190/200 boss reset then I feel really sorry for you.
3) There are no mobs that have AoE on despoiler.

How many times has Dova stood under Priestess so that she would insta-aggro btw? This was long before the Ret-Jah alliance.

You griefed our first Hrung.
You griefed our first Mord.
Hell you even used to pull our Aggy up a wall with a jailbroken device.

I'd be surprised if anyone actually buys this crap.
1) The topic of discussion of discussion between Dexter and I was about an at the time class captain. The Necro grief was a response to the griefing as opposed to the general unsuccessfully trying to stop it, obviously.
2) The class captain and "rouge" were repetitively griefing on the bosses and as you very well know the "rouge" has both Greenkan and Guppy which he used to grief with.
3) Despite the mobs at the despoiler having no AoE skills the boss itself does, and was pulled on us while we were grouping up. Also, Greenkan was used to root the boss.

Retribution had not attempted Mordris pre-alliance.

Yes, Hrungnir was griefed, in response to you griefing Genesis' bosses. Which you did as soon as the clan was formed, even when we couldn't even kill the carrowmore bosses and was only confined to the 150 Fingal boss. I'm not sure anyone would believe that a clan of 10 level 150s would even attempt to grief level 180 full do people with much greater numbers.However, the first attempts of your clan killing Hrungnir were not griefed by us and we're just purely pathetic, which all of your clan fail to remember when you mock Jah. Will post it in another post.
We griefed your first Mordris attempt, for similar reasons to the above. However, peace was achieved between the two clans allowing the 'alliance' to kill the boss. After a few Mordris kills Retribution resumed the conflict. Again, I'm not sure anyone would possibly believe Genesis would allow the stronger clan that started the conflict to kill the boss and gain more powerful gear and then start griefing them again?

Please post some more ridiculous statements that are so implausible I'm not sure even your own subordinates would believe them, or maybe acting so moronic that everyone knows your purposely making false statements and only embarrassing yourself?
Last edited by Robert on Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”

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