Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Peace on gwydion needed

Yes it's about how you want gwydion to be, not the debate over every personal issue
Its hard to make things better before fix all mistakes and bad things.
Hard to sow new plants before you get rid of weeds.
And if personal issues are like those weeds, than personal issues must be fixed.
Not in war but in peacefull conversation.

If we make things better without fix past issues, we can still rot inside, and sooner or later past will show up.

Re: Peace on gwydion needed

Yes it's about how you want gwydion to be, not the debate over every personal issue
Its hard to make things better before fix all mistakes and bad things.
Hard to sow new plants before you get rid of weeds.
And if personal issues are like those weeds, than personal issues must be fixed.
Not in war but in peacefull conversation.

If we make things better without fix past issues, we can still rot inside, and sooner or later past will show up.
Think of it another way rastata, if you say how you want things to be, agree on those, then you can start to work towards a goal rather than on history.
Agree on what you want and find a middle ground to build upon.
Arguments never end, it's like debating religion and politics but you learn to co-exist and still have the same goal working on the same job

Re: Peace on gwydion needed

Think of it another way rastata, if you say how you want things to be, agree on those, then you can start to work towards a goal rather than on history.
Agree on what you want and find a middle ground to build upon.
Arguments never end, it's like debating religion and politics but you learn to co-exist and still have the same goal working on the same job
Agree :)

Re: Peace on gwydion needed

I am not trying to be negative, but am confident some will see it exactly that way, so consider it a soapbox moment, many who have been in clans with me before know these moments quite well. I have been on this server for a long time now and keep seeing the olive branch being extended by a few people in Gwydion, however, there can be no peace as long as there are people who are immature, hateful, vindictive and live in the past as opposed to building on a new future for themselves and their clan(s).

If the "leaders" of Gwydion want peace then they need to either get their respective players under control or simply shed them. Don't worry about how you will replace them, if people were somehow able to work together regardless of clan banners, then others would step up and help out. Why let one or two people stain what seems to me to be a server full of genuinely fun loving good people. Let those who choose to live in chaos be steeped knee deep in it alone, especially if that is not what you want. The question is now whether there can be peace on the server, the question is will people finally cast aside their anger and bitter feelings for the greater good and if not will those around them push the bad apples aside?

I would be happy to lend a hand on a boss or a kill, but really only a few people keep me from doing so and not because they are telling me no, but rather because they wouldn't appreciate it and choose to twist it into something it is not. There are two sides to every story, we usually only get to hear one version and then we formulate opinions based on a lesser version of the single sided propaganda we are often being fed. No need to call people out, they always seem to do a good job of that one on their own.

I spend some of my free time traveling around to the other servers and have seen first hand that many are willing and often do come together for a common goal as needed. Some worlds are even more divided than this one, full of people who love to play with a kill or be killed attitude and some who just are really just here to play the game, socialize and have fun. What I do see is those who choose to not conform with the majority, albeit good or bad, ultimately wind up playing alone.

There are a lot of young people playing the game along with the 30 somethings and a few original Pong players such as myself. No matter what the age, if we all didn't like the game then we wouldn't be here and even if some choose to see it otherwise we already have more in common than they will ever admit by just being here to begin with. Take a look around, the real world is full of hate already, do we really need so much of it here in a handheld game as well????

I have a wife, children, family, job and a life outside of Celtic Heroes, those things surround me, are stable and never going anywhere. This game is just that a game, I don't play it to try and add people to my personal life and family circle, I treat it just as a game, knowing that eventually something better will come along and this one will be nothing more that another passing memory or faded line on my long list of lifetime gaming experiences. In the mean time, I am here to have fun, if we can do that together, pick up a few social gaming friends along the way, then great, if not, then it's your loss and none of my own because I have so much else to look forward to each and every day....do you?
Homeworld: Gwydion
Clan: Relentless

Re: Peace on gwydion needed

I am not trying to be negative, but am confident some will see it exactly that way, so consider it a soapbox moment, many who have been in clans with me before know these moments quite well. I have been on this server for a long time now and keep seeing the olive branch being extended by a few people in Gwydion, however, there can be no peace as long as there are people who are immature, hateful, vindictive and live in the past as opposed to building on a new future for themselves and their clan(s).

If the "leaders" of Gwydion want peace then they need to either get their respective players under control or simply shed them. Don't worry about how you will replace them, if people were somehow able to work together regardless of clan banners, then others would step up and help out. Why let one or two people stain what seems to me to be a server full of genuinely fun loving good people. Let those who choose to live in chaos be steeped knee deep in it alone, especially if that is not what you want. The question is now whether there can be peace on the server, the question is will people finally cast aside their anger and bitter feelings for the greater good and if not will those around them push the bad apples aside?

I would be happy to lend a hand on a boss or a kill, but really only a few people keep me from doing so and not because they are telling me no, but rather because they wouldn't appreciate it and choose to twist it into something it is not. There are two sides to every story, we usually only get to hear one version and then we formulate opinions based on a lesser version of the single sided propaganda we are often being fed. No need to call people out, they always seem to do a good job of that one on their own.

I spend some of my free time traveling around to the other servers and have seen first hand that many are willing and often do come together for a common goal as needed. Some worlds are even more divided than this one, full of people who love to play with a kill or be killed attitude and some who just are really just here to play the game, socialize and have fun. What I do see is those who choose to not conform with the majority, albeit good or bad, ultimately wind up playing alone.

There are a lot of young people playing the game along with the 30 somethings and a few original Pong players such as myself. No matter what the age, if we all didn't like the game then we wouldn't be here and even if some choose to see it otherwise we already have more in common than they will ever admit by just being here to begin with. Take a look around, the real world is full of hate already, do we really need so much of it here in a handheld game as well????

I have a wife, children, family, job and a life outside of Celtic Heroes, those things surround me, are stable and never going anywhere. This game is just that a game, I don't play it to try and add people to my personal life and family circle, I treat it just as a game, knowing that eventually something better will come along and this one will be nothing more that another passing memory or faded line on my long list of lifetime gaming experiences. In the mean time, I am here to have fun, if we can do that together, pick up a few social gaming friends along the way, then great, if not, then it's your loss and none of my own because I have so much else to look forward to each and every day....do you?
You never said what you wanted to see on gwydion ;)

Re: Peace on gwydion needed


You never said what you wanted to see on gwydion ;)

Lol, my bad, that's what happens when I ramble on, most people stopped reading after "I am not" anyway.

Assuming you want a little more peace and just solid gameplay...as do I. Competition can be fun, doesn't always have to degrade into a hate fest.

I want what I have experienced to some degree everywhere I have been, people having fun, myself included. Want to know what clan I am in no matter what it says above my head now...I am in SquadUp. That is where I started, that is where I had the most fun and where my heart is, I would expect the same of anyone who started somewhere and had a good time there. The game was still new to just about everyone and we needed one of every class to take down Stonefang legits. We didn't use 3rd party apps to call for help, we either did or we didn't kill. It wasn't the end of the world if we lost a few kills and we didn't lose sleep over someone else getting it, we just looked forward to the next one. I had the most fun not being level 203, not grinding for level, not camping, not using my plat on anything other than rez and restos and not caring who came or went.

I want what I had before I spent way too much money for the amount of frustration I get all too often and wind up just logging off or visiting another world. When I look around me now I see I am with some of the same people I started this game out with and it makes me happy, they are good people as are many others in the clan and in other clans. I want the fun back, maybe my problem is I spent too much money on the game and see it as something else now, almost like an investment, maybe I just became too focused on what level I was instead of just having fun.

I stopped camping Killain a few months ago, if I catch one now and again, so be it, but sitting idle in one spot for hours on end is just no fun anymore. I should probably just carry that same attitude towards most of the game, if I can't keep moving then I shouldn't be doing whatever it is. When I start out on other worlds as a low level doing the quests it is actually fun, wife thinks I am crazy, but it takes me back to how things once were. Maybe we all should just start anonymous noobs and form a nooby clan, just be yourself, no plat, no bad attitude, just playing the game and chugging along dreaming of how exciting it would be to get a dragon disc again.

I want to not have to block 50 people because they are the antithesis of what I want from the game and how I want people to act around me. Once upon a time I only had the occasional scammer blocked and even then they were a rare breed, now I have half the server blocked because I am just tired of the constant flow of poop that spews from their virtual keyboards.

I want the game I got hooked on 4 years ago and the server I looked forward to logging into back...nothing more, nothing less.
Homeworld: Gwydion
Clan: Relentless

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