It's driving me crazy answering the same questions, every single day. I have made a Quick FAQ containing the most pertinent info regarding all the update info that people ask about.
When will the 3rd Update Be Released?
(Last Updated May 23rd)
Update will be released on Friday, May 25th at 10am GMT
The 3rd Update was shipped to Apple for Review on Friday, May 4th. The Apple AppStore doesn't work on the weekends so it has now been 2+ Weeks since it was shipped. The last 2 Updates took approximately 2.5 weeks to get reviewed and the content of THIS update is more than even the initial game had. OTM wass informed that Apple has approved it. It will be released on Friday, May 25th at 10 am GMT.
Is it true that everyone will get a Free Book of Rebirth/Alteration?
Yes. But you must be over lvl 20 to receive this on your characters. Also these books will be NO TRADE so people can't make a ton of lvl 20's and then sell these books for profit.
In addition as a Thank You for the extended wait all players will get a gift of 10 plat and an additional 10% of all their plat purchases to this point given to them again. This is to symbolize the commitment of a player base that has waited half a year for content and has waited patiently despite the delays.
What does this Update Include?
A Beta Tester, Marshill has released a thread called "Patch Notes" it's Sticky'd in this forum and is a great starting look at all the changes and things you might want to read about. Also as of now a Druid Guide and Ranger, Rogue and Warrior Primers have been written in their respective class forums, please check them out for more individual class info.
WTF is BoE and how will it change the game? And Why is it in it now?
BoE stands for Bind on Equip, it means that an item once equipped, can no longer be traded to another character. But until it does get equipped, it is freely given and received. No old or lux items are BoE, only new Crystal Armor/Weapons and some new drops are BoE
This change was made so much more loot can drop in game. But rather than flooding the market, it can be bound on players and kept in banks/inventories for when they want to use it. The loot system then is able to offer much more, and more often than previous drops, and One Thumb felt like this would make the most players content. Although quite a few seem to still be confused as of now
![Wink ;)](./images/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif)
What's this about item and Rez Idol Cooldowns?
All useable items now have a 10 second Cooldown in between uses. This extends to any item, if you use a BlackChalk, you need to wait 10 sec before using a dilute health pot. This Change was made after a culture that has allowed a few players to solo bosses not meant to be solo'd in the original designs of the game. Obviously the extended delay of the Update content and the ceiling of in game content exacerbated this issue. Now more content is provided, lesser used Druid and Mage Support classes have been improved so more people will play them and various game and grouping tweaks have made grouping, tanking and healing more effective. It's the design that these changes will balance the Cooldowns.
Rez idols also have a full 30 sec cooldown. There is a Druid Rez Spell in the game now and it is a drop. So sooner than later your Druid will be able to Rez you in a fight to help alleviate this. But this cooldown was also implemented for the same aforementioned reasons.
What's this about Skill Books drops and New Skills not being purchasable?
All the classes have 1 new quest found in the Castle to quest for 1 specific new skill for their class:
Druid: Storm's Touch
Warrior: Sweeping Blow
Rogue: Assassinate
Mage: Freeze
Ranger: Entangle
Other class skills will drop off bosses and areas in the Otherworld. Explore and find out where and how when the update is released. These dropped skills will be tradable between players, and class specific.
What's this about 75% Weapon Delay Skills?
Melee oriented classes such as Ranger, Warrior and Rogue have had an added wrinkle added to a few of their class skills. Some skills (the skills effected say so in description) have had their casting time effected by the casting time of the weapon equipped. That said, the raw DMG of the same weapon is also added to the skill's DMG. What this means is that harder hitting but slower weapons such as Winterking/Crystal will both do much more skill DMG, and also cast noticeably slower skills. Deciding what type of weapon is better or worse is your call to decide, different players aim for different goals and like different things "best."
How much does Crystal Armor Cost? And How much better is it than other Armors? So should we even get more meteoric?
Crystal Armor is split into two seperate tier'd levels. The first tier is sold at the Otherworld Portal after a short quest, the second tier is sold further inside the Otherworld. The relative cost of the two tiers is extensively more than other Armors with the first tier and weapon costing around 150-200k and the second tier costing around 250-375k. This price includes
armor and weapon. The price is different from class to class a bit, in regards to weapons mostly.
The current worth 0f the Armors follow this scale: (their is a lvl Req but it is being settled on currently in beta)
Warden> Crystal 1 > Meteoric > Crystal 2 > Upgraded Meteoric > Dragon
Crystal is a big purchase but it can't be upgraded, players who do finish their meteoric sets will be eligible to complete a further set of armor that far outclasses the Crystal sets. So finishing your meteroic sets is highly recommended. That said, in the interim, if you have the money, the upgraded Meteoric Quests are not yet in the Update and will be patched in the upcoming weeks. The Dragon quests will be also added later for the highest end game players.
Is there PvP in this Update? Any PvP Rewards? Can you use Items?
Yes there are duels, or 1v1 battles that are sanctioned in the Castle's Courtyard, a new focal point for the community. There is also a FFA Arena Zone where groups can gather and compete. The Arena is not an instanced Battleground or a strategic zone of combat, it's really much like a padded room for PvP Delinquency. But it's a ton of fun with some balanced groups and clans after a bit may fund organizing some equal groups on each server to fight there a fun endeavor.
There is PvP Xp and you will gain PvP Levels each that will grant you a subsequently cooler PvP Title. There are some plans for further PvP content but right now this is the starting foundation of PvP in game.
Items are not usable in PvP in either duels, nor Arena.
What is the Perfect Build for "insert class" for this new Update?
This game is no longer cut and dry, cookie-cutter class builds for everyone and their mom to use and enjoy. Each build has strengths and weaknesses and is only as good as the player using it. You are more likely to get PWNED by a good player in PvP than a specific class beating you. Every class has strength's and weaknesses toward other classes, but how you build your specific build can offset or exponentialize these balancing factors. Are you interested in PvP, do you only wanna lvl? Are you made for a group? Are you just planning solo? You need to know and form yer plan and then execute it in yer build.
If I make a great Group Druid and a Warrior challenges me to a duel and I accept and get rofl-stomped, I can't come to forums with "You mofo's BROKE the Druid class?!??!?!". My build wasn't PvP, it was group healing, no wonder I got rolled. Please keep this in mind about how your choices may have exposed you, not how the game broke your class.
Also Please note that this is a PvP game now, chances are people don't want to share their builds, they want to maul, maim and abuse eachother with their secrets. It's simply a different game in this sense. That said, I am sure some PvE builds will appear in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out.
How do I get to the Otherworld and what level do I need to be to do so?
There is a 7 part quest to get into the Otherworld starting at the Castle. You need to be lvl 60 to complete the 7th part, but in truth you may need a group to finish it at that level, it's not exactly easy for a lvl 60.
WTF a mob evaded my skill attack!?!? How can I do that?
Yes mob's, and bosses can evade your skills now (and other players once they quest for abilities). There is a bunch of new riddle-like quests in the zones now dedicated to teaching you your skill evasion abilities. These quests are meant for everyone, found around the zones and allow not just the people questing to get into the Otherworld to be able to enjoy new quests.
What's up with the Tavern?
This is a new zone that gives anyone inside it a serious HP/Energy regen buff. Also multiple dock quests from the previous update are inside along with the docks merchant. One Thumb has future plans for the Tavern involving community events and possible new content coming later in the summer. It's a new wrinkle for the CH community to enjoy.
How do I become a Beta Tester? And why are people still testers if the update was shipped?
Beta Testers are chosen thru an application process relative to game activity and forum activity as well as devices used and classes played. When the next update sometime this summer needs more testers, One Thumb will post info on the forums. Until then Beta Testing is a closed group.
One Thumb has multiple new patches of content coming for this update. Upgraded Meteoric Armor and Weapon quests, a Dragon Armor Otherworld quest line and new Otherworld lore and content on the way. Beta will continue to test such content. And stop when it is complete and work begins on Update 4.
Thanks for Reading.
Please direct people to this Post for their legion of questions and other questions needed to be added will be added over the coming weeks.