My name is skull IMA rush in here like a bull. I'm on my ride hanging out on the west side, I make the boggan look-outs hide. I'm a warrior a axe-carrier about to blow gunna send everyone up to death row. Chop chop I'm the Axe cop. Dexxa is a T-REXA in my gang all we do is hang we ready to beat up mobs with a cane. Pigman just ran from his biggest fan while he was trying to get a tan.. Morgana be wearing that bandana looking fresh trying to impress, give her a banana and her new name is Hannah. I make Voledmort cry, I ain't gunna lie but this isnt harry potter, but if it was I'll be harry so be warry, this isny a fairy tale this is for real. I rash on the mic just like a bash on skulls in the game, anyone who goes up to me are a shame. So sit down
Your just a stupid clown.
skullcruncher's mad rhymes ep.1
Last edited by Skullcruncher on Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.