With cruel knifeU have like no pierce, hence the str -.- read it next timeno. If you want to go auto build you don't go for only dex, you mix dex/str not just dex... dex for attack and str for dmg. You also need attack gear, the more attack the better.A auto rogue isn't exactly an auto rogue, but I can do a small guide to get you started off.
Until you can get onyx, go with the 20dmg helm from quigley. Also grab a royal Ss, go for dex build.
Get a HIGH Dps offhand, and use a cruel knife in main hand.
Boots: hero boots (optional)
Until u can get onyx I suggest mostly frozen gear, with a little mete if u can't get it all.
MAX poison WEP. This is a must.
With maxed Ss, maxed poison wep, full obsidian gear (besides hero boots), and then I have a 100lux axe (forget if magic or fire)
I can usually 2 man my quest bosses for froze.
stahp telling people to max PW it sucks at low lvl.. an extra 50-60 poison dmg doesnt make a huge difference.
Re: Auto Rogue vs Skill Rogue.All experienced rogues help
Last edited by Greenie on Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.