Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

A Letter to the Respect Clan

The game has really changed over the past month to the point that it is has really begun to lose a lot of the fun we once had. There seems to be less compassion and more aggression.

I had a talk with Fish and we concluded that most of the issue is the lack of good content, basically the room / world is too small for the amount of players it has and we are literally all walking, running, and ks’ing on top of each other. Everybody wants to get that next boss at any cost and it has caused most to this issues we are all experiencing now. We both hoped for the upgrade to come soon and hopefully we could return to something that was more positive and fun.

Another problem with the current game is the lag. This took me a while to figure out but now I have concluded that lag is a bigger issue that we all realize. When lag is bad your screen is slow to update. So if you’re running through the grove thinking that you are alone, you could actually have another toon running ahead of you but you do not see them. You go to hit an enemy and “Bam” another toon has hit that enemy. Both of you are left with the… what just happened feeling. Welcome to lag and slow networks. How many times have you run up to an enemy only to find out that the enemy is dead already? The enemy might look alive but lag has delayed the reality. We all have to realize that this is a defect in the game and to learn to not get all worked up about it.
So this is my feeble attempt to try and restore some kind of peace until the update arrives. My wish is that Respect and EnternalSin can return to the friendly relationship it had before with mutual respect.

When I got into the game I honestly admired the term: Respect. Respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, and achievements. To respect someone you hold them in great regard, esteem, reverence, deference, and consideration. I give respect to someone because they continue to do the right thing and look to take the high road whenever possible. People who you respect are the ones that look past their selfish needs to help all those who ask. By doing the honorable thing people come to want to be a part of that, and they want to join it.

Again when I first started playing I respected the clan Respect because of their actions. If Kslay had not gone out of his way to befriend me I would have gladly joined Respect. Even when I first was in EternalSin, I always thought how great it would be to be a member of a clan that helps peeps. It was contagious in that I would go out of my way to help others. I gave Mahdi countless heals never asking to join the group. I enjoyed helping and often others in turn help me.

But now Respect has turned into a bunch of crybabies. Several members are always angry, always looking to complain, and now never helping. They get all worked up about a few isolated instances. They are unable to look past any action and instead they have taken to the low road of accusation, jealousy, and condemnation. Now every time I see the word Respect I am so happy to not be a part of this childish behavior. Honestly if I was in the Clan Respect I would be feeling embarrassed.

This is a call out to the members of Respect, talk to your leaders and become the clan you were. Regain Respect in our world. Work with those that want to work with you. Realize that there are sinners and peeps will be making mistakes. There will be toons that push the limits, but hold to your principles and be the clan that is honored, esteemed, held in great regard and admired. To say: “We don’t need help” or “We don’t group” is arrogant. There has been clans with this "rule" and it has reflected poorly on them.

I am the first to admit that I am a Sinner. I have made a few mistakes, but I hope my overriding behavior shows my desire to work together.
I was driving down the street today and another driver came into my lane, cutting me off. My first reaction was to be pist off, I yelled, but then I realized I was in the guy’s blind spot and it was very likely that he did not see me. I changed how I felt and moved on and felt better instantly. I took the higher road.

Part of me wants to start some kind of war… I want to escalate the problem. But instead I will choose to help anyone that asks. Keeping in mind that it is a game meant for enjoyment and fun.

So out of courtesy I want to point out that Respect has lost my respect. I think most of your clan is better than that. I hope you will do the right thing.

Respect is not earned not by what others do to you...
It is what you do to others...

Re: A Letter to the Respect Clan

Nice to see you've shown how you felt perl. I also hope that the 2 clans can go back to being allies some day. Or if not allies, at least stop being mad at each other. It is only a game after all :)

..RAP :!:
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: A Letter to the Respect Clan

you're gettin stucked on our name RESPECT. We are a clan just like yours and dont need to be associated with all qualitties you mention.
I believe everyone in our clan has reached the point where we are tired of repeatedly being exposed of bad team play. We definitely do not want to start a war, but feel that the pleasant alliance we once had has been lost.

Best Regards // Rufus
SirDuke lvl 105+, Ranger Arawn, Clan Uscoki
SirDuke lvl 193+, rogue Rhiannon
SirDuke2 lvl 89, rogue Rhiannon
Rufus lvl 110+, warrior Rhiannon
ElepantEgg lvl 150+, druidRhiannon

Clan RESPECT, Rhiannon

Re: A Letter to the Respect Clan

Perl ,

I agree with you on several things like the lag and the way the game is going.
But what I truly don’t understand is that you would like our two clans get the way they once were but start flaming and blaming that we have become ‘ a bunch of cry-babies’. How in God’s name that’s going to help to tide the bond we once had. You’re assuming that it’s all our fault the way things had turnout. We need to talk to our leaders, well sure but you guys need to talk to yours too. There are two sides to a medallion and that’s all I want to say in this matter.

The post you made doesn’t contribute in any way to get alliance back in my opinion which is a shame.

Never the less I want to thank you for your point on things and especially the way you think of us Respect.

Respect isn’t earn either by start flaming and blaming.......

World - Rhiannon
Lorck - Ranger - 200
Clan - InnerCircle

Re: A Letter to the Respect Clan

I had to grab a pillow to read all that lol but after doing so it seems you are pointing the blame on respect that we a "bunch of crybabies". Nice to know how you feel. But the constant drama between the two clans is the result of our dropping allies. As people get higher in levels we are seeing a great change in player attitude and aggression thus creating much of the conflict., I'm hoping update will solve most of that with more room to play. As for EternalSin and Respect ever being allied again., well let's just say that blaming respect to make yourself look better is no way to mend things :roll:

Naevia: Druid level 96
Proud Chieftain of RESPECT!

Re: A Letter to the Respect Clan

Honestly don't know how to respond, but this game is interesting , I've spent quite a bit of time playing this since I started, amazing how it can change, always changing... That's for sure. I like the responses about hopin for it to calm down, I got friends I've gotten to know all over the map on this game, friends I've grown to look forward to seeing on a daily basis. With that said umm .. Space is needed and looks to be coming soon, it's tense all through out this game update will help with that, my hat goes off to the cats that been playing since day one, I've heard of how combs was all there was.
I know that I have been helpfull and greatly epreciated any help u did give me pearl, I did strive to go out of my way for a long time on this game for others and you know that, I used to be in sin.. Did a lot for the group while I was there, .... And got a lot of love while there too..
A lot of days I wish it was like it was, but I have learned this, actions speak louder than words!! Wen ur alies with a group why take major kills when they have to pay for them ... I never ffad u guys in my life before that, if I was there I helped , I've tanked major bosses and payed for it with plat and asked nothing in return, I know that for me, when people I'm supposed to trust as friends swarm a kill when we're all Druids and a tank paying for it and rogue dps group attacks because it's the big agreement that since itt was discussed to FFA it's fair, is not only rude but a major move on this chess board... U made a move.. We set boundaries! I'm tired m exhausted and looking forward to update, like I said I'd never done anything like that to u nor would I have. It wasn't just one or two it was a clan descision. I always walked away out of respect, you all changed that, it's a travesty, ... There are individuals in all the clans here that I consider friends, I say this... If u want to get the big bosses create a great tank and awesome Druids then ur dps can smoothly doo the work, then u get ur upgrades, ,put in the time to create strategy , every member has there part, respect has good leadership, genuine people , don't epreciate being labeld childish on forums, and me persenoly I will continue to assist my clan with all energy I can, and stay at that, hope everyone enjoys update, it will get better, hang in there all

Mahdi 151 warrior
Sik 152 rogue
Fireeyes 151 mage
Satori 139 druid
Qtip 142 ranger
And new toon in arawn talib 130 ranger

And newest toon qtip my 82 rogue on lugh

Re: A Letter to the Respect Clan

To Respect
I honestly did not know how to get your attention. So, I felt I had to share what some of the feelings are with regards to Respect. Both of our leaders, Kslay and Rap, have apologized. I have tried to post some kind of guideline for ffa fights, and the members of our clan that participated in the ks events have apologized. For the record I have never started a ks.

On the Spear event I did not group with my clan and I healed Mahdi the entire fight. I honestly thought we were helping and then to find out later that we screwed up with a lack of communication. On the Griz KS i came into the fight late and our clan member said that he started the fight. He was not correct. I felt bad and tried to apologized. I hit first and asked questions later because I saw a toon from Respect that had ks me a couple of times that day.

The world is too small and there is far more aggression lately. Lag is causing a lot of issues and everyone is trying to level on +90 bosses that spawn once an hour. I guess my point is that both of our clans are strong enough to not need the other and when possible a fight should take place with clan only toons. But when there are fewer peeps online and I see 6* Spear, Spike, Shiver, and Root up, i hate to loss them to RaptureEve. Our Alliance allowed both of our clans to take down more bosses.

I hear you when you say, "We do not need ES". But then you have to run around these 6* bosses because of the lack of peeps online. ES has far more toons that are willing to help almost anyone. We have just recently kicked a few high level peeps because of their style of play. We will always group with anyone that asks with a need for a quest.

I have seven toons from Respect on my friends list and I enjoy the game. I just hate conflict and want to keep it fun.

Thanks for reading, good luck in the game. If you have any extra Green Stars laying around let me know :)

Re: A Letter to the Respect Clan

Would just like to say. I heard Nae was told we Ksed spear.. Just adding that it was technically ffa and not a ks but that is beside the point, it was a very sly move and a wrong one at that on our behalf. That is why the drop was handed back to RESPECT, and on top of that, I gave Mahdi some potions or idols as an apology. Cant remember exactly how many but remember giving him some.

No one is pointing the blame at respect just explaining there feelings. I feel as though The break of alliance was caused from many things in a short space of time. Too much can build up quickily. EternalSin will admit they made some bad moves, and I also feel respect made some bad moves too. Just hope someday soon everyone can drop the grudges and actually talk to each other again. Life's too short.

Bring on the otherworld and some extra space and freedom! And if any of you see me in game and need help with anything just let me know, I'll be happy to help. :)

..RAP :!:
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: A Letter to the Respect Clan

i actually thought this was a good and helpful post until you put respect are crybabies and carried on. There was no need.

sp4rtacus 88
DrDru 76
FrodoRogue 64
Hey, I admit that it was not the best use of words, but it is the word that was in ES clan chat.
The two, KS events were just poor communication issues with a world toooooo small and tooooo few bosses.

With Otherworld now launched this has already become old news.
Sinners, Respects, and even Eves have been grouping regularly,

and.... it has be fun again. :D

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