I'll admit a 3rd clan was around. Elite Alliance you know lol. But I'll follow Cryprus terms of Peace talk here and state my opinion. When a 3rd clan rises it ALWAYS gets warpped in with Airees and her 'Army'. She phases that "We are stronger together" or "We can topple Ascension and Put them to Dust" something silly. Right now the clans that are following the Top 5 is As follows, Ascension/Nitro/Transcension/Kudos/EliteAlliance. I don't see Kudos up there any more as one of the biggest clans. But that's cus all the nice people are leaving and joining a clan thats a family

but I see lvls that are pretty high but I'm sure High lvls shouldn't be all in Nitro... Makes Kudos look small and weak. Or Airees is ditching Kudos...? Wouldn't be the first time *Cough* but if a 3rd clan shows and it shows good intentions and Best of both clans I may look into it but I'm a Ascension Member and I love it there. Thats what my option is.