Wait what? She scammed your items?
when i was dissapointed by dudezzy who sold my white pirate set and refused to give me gold or buy that set back, i deleted my acc as i had no desire to play here(and still dont have). So when i was deleting all my chars, i gave all my stuff to sweetheart and she told me that she would keep it in her bank till i chanche my mind. When i decided to get items back, sell them and move to another server i had to ask her numerous times about getting my stuff back but i only got about half of it. Then she told me if i would take huntsman ring for 1 mill ammy she needed for her rogue, so i agreed and still cant get rest of my stuff now though i can trade that ring for 1 mill ammy back anytime she wants... but seems like she decided to get reacher so she blocked me yesteday and i had to ask her clannies to pm her about returning my stuff (great thanks to quickstriker and trishka who understood and supported me). So what i wanted to say-some people like apocalypse and deadend said that i shouldnt have give my stuff to her and aome people just supported me. Now its up to you what to think about this but i m going to spam her as much as possible unless she gives my items back
P.S. when i was quiting 3 months ago due to some problems in rl, i gave all my stuff to InMyOwnWorld but thanks god that she is fair and trustworty person as she gave back all items i lent her
Fenrirr-lvl 185 rogue
Furi0us-lvl 175 warrior
Ma1dan-some noob 2012 ranger acc lvl 50