In order to make fights longer they could do it in many ways without impacting rogues, denying that it is a nerf that has been sneaked on rogue, knowing that poison was going to be unresisted/very rarely resisted, as it doesnt have a lure, is pointless.
I think every class' nerf starts at a smaller one they sneak. Them adding poison resist and still not affecting rogues' DPS tho shows just how OP rogues are.
I don't want rogues nerfed. On Android servers we need rogues as op as possible. I'm in a clan with a good number of high 180s and into the low 200s and we can't kill hrung because of lack of players. So the two solutions are make characters stronger or depower the bosses some. OTM shouldn't want to nerf classes. They should want the players to have successes. My main is a lvl 194 druid so while rogue nerfs don't impact me individually progressing in lvls, it does in that it inhibits higher boss kills.
Now I'm against poison resist as it nerfs my swarm skill so it hits druids too which already needed an umph and this just makes druids weaker.
The solution isn't to nerf rogues but to fix the other toons. This could be a really easy fix. Fixing a few skills from each class each week wouldn't be difficult programming at all.
Honestly I don't know why they don't pull together a think tank from 3 to 4 high lvl players of each class and do some skill fixing. To me it appears OTM is making this look more difficult than it really is. It would also seem OTM is more focused on what they want to do rather than what the players would like to see done which is where the priorities should be.