Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Arena/ Ground war/ Team deathmatch?

Sadly, this game does not have too many players for this to even happen. Unless we are talking about having team deathmatches with people from all servers as oppose to the server you are in. But even then, there is still a lack of players.
Get a group from your server and just match making find some one choose your gear and it will set everyone to level 100 i guess.-. So how many points youve got at that level you choose which you put in and tada._. Luxury you are given gold every win and half that amount if you lose and you change every match but you can only buy gear from ow and castle vendor ._. Or a new vendor winners get 50k gold on there server every week*-* idk (NO PERIODS)
Warrior:170 :3
World: Herne

Re: Arena/ Ground war/ Team deathmatch?

I was thinking a 16 vs. 16 cross-server pvp battle would be excellent fun..

But only if they balance PVP first!!!
My team idea:
10 mages with ice blast, ice shard, lure, attune, shield(using arctic stormskimmers as weapons)
6 tanks
Ice blasts will destroy the other team and the mages hide behind the warriors who try to draw the aggro of the other team.
If there is any problematic opponents like rogues they can be easily frozen with the 1 second freeze cast time of the stormskimmer Good idea?
You forgot to say the tanks have golden growth charms to block the enemies from targeting the mages.
AlexTheL3gend - 220+ Warrior - Morrigan
Incineration - 205+ Ranger - Morrigan
Devastate - 180+ Rogue - Morrigan
Proud Clansman of Clan Avalon

Re: Arena/ Ground war/ Team deathmatch?

Too much work.
They would have to create a whole Queueing system and area for the death match.

Impossible to balance the stats even through a lvl 220 bolster

Same with skills and equipment.

I would rather see OTM focus on Tower bosses and horizontal content like Fishing and Crafting.
Killsteal LOCK Rogue Level 175
Killheal Druid level 195
Proud clansman of WolfGang


:D :D :mrgreen: Thank You for the Snorri Patch! :mrgreen: :D :D

Re: Arena/ Ground war/ Team deathmatch?

Cross server arena style battles sounds fun though. It would be nice to experience the game with people who have had similar triumphs and disappointments over their ch adventures. The restriction of enjoying this game with people who choose the same server isn't the worst, but I think it'd be nice to meet ppl from other worlds without them having to make a toon on the appropriate server. I'm sure the difficulty in implementing this would be difficult enough we won't be seeing it. But even having events that capture a more social aspect that concern the arena would be fun. When I was relatively new to the game, one of the more proficient clans had a 'kill the chieftain' event. Everyone was invited. They have out prizes and it was a good time. Personally, I had a great time because it really utilized the social medium that is an MmO and I think it's be great for this style of event to be included more often

Re: Arena/ Ground war/ Team deathmatch?

5 v 5, maximum of 500 or 600 levels (add all players levels up and you got your number) this would make it so youd have to balance out your team with levels, and strategize
this could work, and it wouldn't be easy for otm to make matchmaking and set all this up but it is definitely possible
Mattsneak Lvl 220* Rogue
Matthewgone 142 Ranger
Owner of Danu's Only Shadow Necro Dagger
Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi80S8 ... 6IQduEXiKA

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