Less profit but with so much more transactions going on its more efficient, easier and safe. Sounds like you want to take advantage of players not knowing prices, set aside your selfish desires and look at the bigger picture.Market stablization would actually hurt merchants, it would make prices lower meaning little profit. I have experience with auction houses, trust me its not fun.With an auction house items will gravitate toward a set market price, if people want to sell their items quickly they will auction it off for less than this price, then you can sweep in and grab the deal. The auction house makes it easier to merch, especially off of those plat buyers who dont care if they sell it for less. Not sure why you're against it as it can only greatly benefit the economy.Im 100% against auction houses.
Heres what will happen if its released. Items will be easier to buy for those who don't take the time to search, which is fine.
But items will be harder to sell, because someone will almost always undercut you on a price.
This makes the game harder for the non plat players who really need the extra gold selling their items. And plat people can just buy stuff and not worry about the selling part, because they can always get more gold.
Re: Auction house
#21#NerfIdolsCutBossHP #DecreaseRaidWindows