@ Vulture
Actually, Akbar killed our first Necro and I killed the second. Unless you soloed, I don't see how you killed Necro before me. It doesn't really matter but you should get the facts straight. This was back when you didn't want to help because we were still working on tactics. Randall organized these kills and several after. Remember now?
Also, I still play but don't feel compelled to check in with you when I log on. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that your response when I disagree with you is essentially "go away". I know considering another's perspective can be uncomfortable but give it a try. It is how we grow.
I didn't want to help?
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... ro+randall
That was our first real post about a necro battle plan. I was there with adebayor and a couple other watching the fight go down with all the details and I was the one supporting the plan here. Where were you?
I was on Groupie with Randall and others working on our battle plan. It seemed obvious to me that posting a plan on the forum would cause an uproar and it did. It made more sense to me to work in private to avoid a useless forum fight.
If you read the thread that you linked the sum total of your contribution was:
Let's hope we make it to dicing
However, my statement about your reluctance to help was based on your performance during our early attempts not your contribution of pixels on the forum. On two separate occasions you bailed before Randal shouted that we would abort. The first time, I was willing to assume you had a bad internet connection or something. Because who bails in the middle of a boss fight? When you did the same thing in a subsequent attempt, I have to conclude that you just bailed. Granted, our chance of success was low when you bailed on us but having DPS leave before the fight was aborted significantly reduced our chance of success. To be fair, I haven’t seen you bail on a boss fight since and hope it doesn’t happen again.
Positive I killed the second but hey I'll give you props, maybe you're right there.
I suppose that is progress. This time when I presented you with a fact, you agree that it "maybe" correct. No, this is a fact that corresponds with reality. There is no maybe about it. Previously, when I presented a fact you implied that I was lying. Then, when I gave you a means to verify the veracity of my statement you called a player a cheater and/or a moron. We started from a pretty low baseline but I will still count this as progress.
As I said before, it doesn't really matter who was first or second. I posted because you were making statements that are factually incorrect. If you want to brag about something, I am confident that you have more Necro kills than I do. Go with that.
Your second point is interesting. I guess when you do log you must not feel compelled to kill bosses or level besides on killain either. Also, I don't recall telling you to go away in any of my posts. My only opinion on you and your posts is that you aren't an active player and you want to decide what goes on in the world. Do you not think that's wrong in any way?
Yes, because it is factually incorrect. How and when I play a game is my business. Since I have played on this server for almost 3 years and continue to do so, I will voice my opinions as I see fit.
Regardless of the necro situation and personal conflict aside, I really don't see a valid point on your stance on class based dicing besides vouching for equality. Perhaps if you were to elaborate why this sense of equality is so important to you it would shed some light on your points because all I'm inferring from your posts is that you feel it is unfair that melee players can roll for the most/most valuable drops.
My position is simple. My selfish side wants the server to limit the best sets (Bloodthorn and Frostroot) to rogues and rangers because it improves my chances of getting one of the best sets. In the interest of fairness, I pointed out that this system would benefit me at the expense of other classes. To be clear, I am not advocating less restrictive dicing to help the “merchers”. I simply want to be more inclusive.
Clan: Ancients
RogerRanger 223
RogerDruid 160+
RogerRogue 160+
RogerWarrior 150+
RogerMage 110+
“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
― Daniel Patrick Moynihan