Oh but I know more than you think. I actually do have a clue. I was talking specifically about the last Garanak. It was rocky in the beginning defeating a level 200 boss when most players were around 190; however, as time went on, players not only became stronger, but knew when to log in and how to fight the boss. Lugh also at times will throw a bunch of toons at a boss (more than needed), which is where alts come in. They simply aren't needed. After the first few garanak kills were made, everyone had the spawn times and roles (dps,tank,etc) down , thus a system. Everyone knows when to log, people show up to the fight. Also, who ever cared about a few more idols? I know players have quit, due to the issues with the game, but there are still enough people to take on the event bosses. When people hear about the new event and garanak they will log in (always worked this way).If you had any clue at all about the current standings of Lugh, then you would realise that you are so very wrong. As it is, we have a shortage of players during most hours of the day. Restricting rolls to 1 per person, as opposed to 1 per character that they bring, would definitely result in people only bringing one character. At this point in time, this would make it it nigh on impossible for us to kill many bosses, the new future garanak included.
In my honest opinion, I am, and always have been a person in support of allowing those that dual device to have an extra roll per character that they bring, as long as they aren't bringing 2 characters of the same class. This is because if you participate, then you should, and are allowed to have a chance at a drop for each character that you use, the restriction being that after you have won a single drop in a fight, you cannot win another.
In short, let all classes dice for every item. Eliminate dicing for alts so that drops will be dispersed more evenly.