i still have nothing, took down 4 defectors and countless captains and nothing!k thanks, got the quest. I found starstone from bowman defector in shalemont river
how can that be? pretty annoyed
i still have nothing, took down 4 defectors and countless captains and nothing!k thanks, got the quest. I found starstone from bowman defector in shalemont river
thanks for being so prompt:) the idea is fine, just the likely hood of getting a drop is pretty awful, maybe up the rate, after all its not like warden gear/cosmic gear quest.Hi there
I asked about this and the items drop from various 4 star enemies in shalement ravine
I'm not sure this is a great idea personally but please let me know what you think of it, and if you have any ideas where you think it would be better to drop if you don't like the current quest.
Im thinkin in the same way, well written. I have killed 20 4-stars mobs in shalemont atm and not a single stone and I know more ppl who been trying much longer so is this really the right way ?Admin,
For both of the "broken" quests, the one with the leaves and the Shalemont one, the big problem is that low level toons do not stand a chance right now. I have been camping the spawn position of the Winterleaf ent for 4 straight hours and he has spawned exactly one time. I can pretty much 1 hit him so at this rate it will take weeks for everyone to get this quest. Do you really want a line of level 90+ toons camping all four ents for weeks, not giving anyone lvl appropriate a chance?
The same holds for the Shalemont quest. With a drop rate this rare you are going to have a glut of very high level toons camping everything 4 star and defector and no one of appropriate level is going to be able to accomplish anything meaningful.
A final note on poor quest planning from the Dev's: Why, why why would you need to camp Atrisal, a level 60 boss to get book covers and bindings for a quest where the rest of the drops come from level 80 and 90 mobs? Why do the dev's like to force the high level toons to camp mobs that are not level appropriate? It is frustrating for everyone - the high levels that could be better spending their time elsewhere and the low levels who SHOULD be fighting the mobs but can't because of all the high levels that they cannot compete with!
I said in a separate post that there should be a special, one time, alternate way to award these abilities to the mid to high level characters to help avoid the current situation of high levels and beginners camping for the same low level mobs for hours and hour and hours - this is very much a frustrating lose/lose situation.
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