Celtic Heroes

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Re: Lugh Player Ban – Vote

Roger why do you continue to focus this thread between only the player in question and myself? Do you think I am vain enough to make this thread of it was only my issue? I can deal with this player personally, however, there are many other players who are impacted that it affects their game play to the negative. Stop trying to steer this thread to a singular target.

You have had your say. Let the community vote.
Actually, I will decide when I have had my say.

Typically, we hold a discussion prior to a vote yet we jumped straight to voting in this case. Now you want to end the discussion? I don’t think so. I still haven’t gotten a satisfactory description of what has been attempted to resolve the matter. Who else contributed to the problem? Is this truly one player running roughshod over the community? After “hundreds” of support tickets nothing has been done. Why? Perhaps the reports were without merit. Discuss.

Clan: Ancients
RogerRanger 223
RogerDruid 160+
RogerRogue 160+
RogerWarrior 150+
RogerMage 110+

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
― Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Re: Lugh Player Ban – Vote

In all fairness rog this was not an impulse move. It is the result of months of turmoil. I have worked on this with ak and even spent hours conflict mediating in a wechat group with this person and several others. Literally nothing has changed and I would even suggest it has gotten worse in the interim. And this is just regarding conflict between this person and my own clanies. To be perfectly honest, the most severe abuse i have seen has been directed toward a player who is not in my clan. So perhaps you want to discuss resolutions with that person as well. I doubt that would go well based on what I have seen.
Last edited by Cecil on Thu May 28, 2015 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Clan: Alliance
Server: Lugh

Axon, 226 Rogue
DollaBeez, 217 Druid
CecilKain, 220 Warrior
Strago, 220 Ranger
Golbez, 183 Mage

Re: Lugh Player Ban – Vote

This play has been doing this pretty much since they started. Ive seen most of it be unprovoked, hell ive been attacked for defining what a leukocyte is. This person bullies and bullies and bullies without so much as a slap on the wrist. OTM have silenced this player but refuse to ban them. The harassment going on ingame is not tolerable. It is something we banned another player recently for too. This players only difference was they killed in arena regularly.

Lukov lvl 205 rogue
Lukov4 lvl 199 druid
Lukov2 lvl 63 warrior able to shield bash Aggy
Helpfullukov lvl 197 mage. Part three of the lukov combo
skywalker1 lvl 100 ranger
Expansion update 4 & destiny beta tester

Re: Lugh Player Ban – Vote

In all fairness rog this was not an impulse move. It is the result of months of turmoil. I have worked on this with ak and even spent hours conflict mediating in a wechat group with this person and several others. Literally nothing has changed and I would even suggest it has gotten worse in the interim. And this is just regarding conflict between this person and my own clanies. To be perfectly honest, the most severe abuse i have seen has been directed toward a player who is not in my clan. So perhaps you want to discuss resolutions with that person as well. I doubt that would go well based on what I have seen.
What happened in the discussions? Did all parties refuse to budge? Was it one sided? Were you able to determine the source of the animosity? It is important to understand what actually took place.

If you are telling me that everyone involved agreed to play nice but o8o refused that is one thing. If everyone involved refused, then there is blame to go around.

Clan: Ancients
RogerRanger 223
RogerDruid 160+
RogerRogue 160+
RogerWarrior 150+
RogerMage 110+

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
― Daniel Patrick Moynihan

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