Does anyone know how to open the new lux shop in otherworld? Is there a level / money requirement for it?
I noticed there a new lux helm for mage at castle (+ 20 magic) but none for Druid. Can someone confirm this?
Btw, tried Rockbelly boss yesterday. 4 warriors -2 with full meteor, 2 with full diamond, 2 druids and rest rogues. (all 80s to 90s) Couldnt kill it at all. Probably due to idol spawn time now. So it does seem rez is really vital for boss fights now tho its really painful to invest 20 odd skills point. So boss fights doesnt seem viable till druids are 100 lvs odd i reckon.
Re: Teaweasel's Guide to an Update 3 Druid: Long, grab pillo
#51MorphMarfa has retired from Celtic Heroes and most probably wont be resurfacing. He had a enjoyable time during his druid adventures in Taranis.
Lv 182+ Druid : Taranis
Lv 182+ Druid : Taranis