by Lufia
I don't normally say stuff like this but how fitting that all this drama goes under the topic "About Epona". Guys seriously should all be kinda ashamed. This wasn't supposed to be this kinda of thread at all and it gives us all a bad rep. Clans are clans, people are people, bosses are bosses. It's all meant for fun and sharing not trying to beat your neighbor. I quit the game for so long because people were just so caught up in all this crap and I see not much has changed. The reason you join a Clan shouldnt be about who will fund and gear your toon otherwise where is the loyalty and friendship. *basically pimping or sugar daddies* If they give you things to help, thats great but it shouldnt be so excepted. Before I become a total hypocrite, I will end this post by saying, I hope you all rethink your game values and just be kind to others and respect the post topics.
*drops mic*
LufiaDruid 170+
Leader Of FairyTail
Peace for Epona!
Lufia *Baby Tank*114
Shogun Lives