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Re: Warrior tank showoff

Dilvar, I used the best current gear I have, no mordris drops at all. But this is a thread to show your hp not to put down others. You can not be the best dilvar. So don't act like it. Be the mature respectable person like what we are meant to be.
level 193
151 and retired on morrigan

Re: Warrior tank showoff

Dilvar, I used the best current gear I have, no mordris drops at all. But this is a thread to show your hp not to put down others. You can not be the best dilvar. So don't act like it. Be the mature respectable person like what we are meant to be.
Sorry but thats how iam, i didnt like the comment 'easy with this gear'
And yet i still dont care what gear or buff you used.
Epona's #1 Tank (arrogant but true)
Dilvar (lvl 222) no Alts.
Chieftain of Anarchy since years.
Life is beautiful cause you are in it (looks in mirror)

Re: Warrior tank showoff

Dilvar, I used the best current gear I have, no mordris drops at all. But this is a thread to show your hp not to put down others. You can not be the best dilvar. So don't act like it. Be the mature respectable person like what we are meant to be.
Sorry but thats how iam, i didnt like the comment 'easy with this gear'
And yet i still dont care what gear or buff you used.
did you not see him congradulating you on your effort, easy with the gear or might not be. Leave this arguing right now, all of us. It's getting off topic. Gj on your max hp dilvar.
level 193
151 and retired on morrigan

Re: Warrior tank showoff

New skain gear doesn't add that much tbh. I think maybe like 50 more vit, 20 less dex than garanak on necklace? If the set adds 100 more vit total that'll only come out to be about 1000 hp after buffs, certainly not taking him from 31k to 41k.

Here is my guess for his current gear:
Current event ammy for the 1000 hp 150 vit bonus
New skain charm which adds 130 vit
Void mordy halberd for 200 vit bonus
Shadow night/bones helm for 150 dex 1250 hp
Full edl armor (besides helm) and set bonus gives 2300 hp
New event brace that gives 300 vit skill
Godly frostiron brace for 150 vit
Runic fortitude shield for 210 vit
Not sure for rings...Possibly 2 skains for 260 vit plus a pair of 100 vits for 460 total

This gives like 1600 vit, which is still a bit short of what he has :/ and only a 4550 added hp bonus. With the amount of vit he has, that hp bonus takes him up to 22k. Add in 3k from abundance and aura and he's at 25k. With heroic max hp he is at about 33k. And with a frozen warhorn buff (20%? Don't remember) this takes him to 40k, which is still quite a ways below what dilvar has. And the gear I listed is by no means easy to get either. Either way, congrats on whatever build you're using. It's nice how warrior tank stats are actually practical; you would be using these stats when doing a boss. While rogues and mages going for high skill hits are changing their build and gear massively lol.

Just curious, out of those 11 items (not including edl) how many of them did I get right?
Level 220 mage- InnerCircle of Rhiannon
Necro, proteus, unox kills :D

Re: Warrior tank showoff

^I think helm of bastion adds both vit and health, also, he could do the switching trick, cast the 300 vit skill and switch to other brace, horn is 15% I believe.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

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