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Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

I have never bought plat have one account 220 and one account 175 which i got there in about 4 weeks. I have about 4mill worths of lixs. And 1-2m in gold. It's really not that hard, and no i didn't merch i just farmed

Both my accs are almost fully luxxed out with everything I need
Some people just have the time to do that but even if they did I'm sure they don't want to spend a whole day or even a weeks farming for one item that will last 20-50 levels..I do agree it isn't hard sometimes if your lucky enough but still it isn't fun the 100th time doing it
Rogue - Bugs 221
Been a Celtic Heroes Shill since 2011 ._.
"There are so many bugs in this game that sometimes it feels like I’m playing Starship Troopers"

Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

Nothing wrong with buying play anyways. That's how you support the game. Without play buyers game wouldn't even get events I'm sure
If i could do that then i wouldnt have made this post and im sure many others wouldnt have either as for fridoo i see that something is wrong there scamming is the only way i see him makin his gold if he just farmed because thats impossible i have tried farming at hawkhursts or 140 boggans if i get really lucky i get 50k an hour (mostly from drops) if im not luck i make 5-10k an hour which happens most if the time, farming isnt worth it and i think everyone knows that the gold drops arent worth it, otm said bounty boards(spoiler here) will make it easier to make gold but at a 2 bounty limit (unless u use a pledge) and 5k per bounty( depending on ure lvl) isnt a lot


Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

i would rather pay $3-5 a month than to spend $19.99 on 330 plat that you can consume in a day. I 40 plat for one super combo? thats like $3.75 for one super combo. i think in the long run it would help to make things cheaper. if some kid spends his money on a walmart visa and then burns through his purchase in game in a day or two, he's going to feel embarrassed and regret it eventually. especially if he is a repeat offender. Then he is probably going to get discouraged with the game and quit. especially if he spends more time grinding and his friends pass him in level in a week of lixing and money spent.

I know they need money to keep everything going. but why not make people pay a flat fee to play or a yearly cost like xbox live is doing.

In terms of more money for mobs, absolutely. i'm level 108 and this is my earnings to date: 345k where 40k of that i spent on lix's to get from 100-105. I bought heroic rejuv for 150k from player. and bought golden quiver of magic from clanmate for 75k. worth 225k in store. he helped me out on that. have around 70k saved now, but need 100's of thousands of gold to get some of the equipment i need. i'm thinking that the gold drops for a level 105-110 should be around 30-35 for one stars. and 67-78 for 3 stars.
  • Onida - Ranger - 226
  • Doopliss - Warrior - 200

Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

Well what i dont get why some people are being negative towards this, there is mo harm in doing this both for otm and te players both of them well gain something from this yea plat prices will go higher and im sure getting plat items is a problem in any world, this will encourage people to buy more plat since knows sell for double thier price or something otm will not lose anything, if otm does nothing about it and players carry on leaving then they wouldnt be worrying about losing a small amount of cash but that is unlikely when plat players see there is a shortage if something they will buy plat sell that item and make easy cash


Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

Well what i dont get why some people are being negative towards this, there is mo harm in doing this both for otm and te players both of them well gain something from this yea plat prices will go higher and im sure getting plat items is a problem in any world, this will encourage people to buy more plat since knows sell for double thier price or something otm will not lose anything, if otm does nothing about it and players carry on leaving then they wouldnt be worrying about losing a small amount of cash but that is unlikely when plat players see there is a shortage if something they will buy plat sell that item and make easy cash
Decreasing price of lux items is the solution. Not increasing gold drop. And why is it so difficult for some people to understand that increasing gold drop would drastically change the economy in a bad way.
I ride Kelpies and I swim in Deluge for I am one with Manannán mac Lir.

Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

Well what i dont get why some people are being negative towards this, there is mo harm in doing this both for otm and te players both of them well gain something from this yea plat prices will go higher and im sure getting plat items is a problem in any world, this will encourage people to buy more plat since knows sell for double thier price or something otm will not lose anything, if otm does nothing about it and players carry on leaving then they wouldnt be worrying about losing a small amount of cash but that is unlikely when plat players see there is a shortage if something they will buy plat sell that item and make easy cash
Decreasing price of lux items is the solution. Not increasing gold drop. And why is it so difficult for some people to understand that increasing gold drop would drastically change the economy in a bad way.
Its a little late for that they should have kept prices low on the first event lux ever releases in 2013 samhain, altho they decreased prices of ammys all the other ammies that were still usefull in its own way couldnt be sold, and there is no reason for you to buy new lux every event each lux has its own speciality and the new lix released doesnt make the old one obsolete on anyway sometimes its slightly better or is good in a different way, many people still use the 2014 yule lix sets and havent upgraded to ostara lux because they dont need to yule lux is good because of set bonus,its skill( altho its bad for dps because of sun and zephyr ammys skill its still good) and its other raw boosts, beltane event lux is good but hasnt made ostara event lux drop in value whereas the ammys are only good for mages, the brace offers high damage for rogues and rangers so is good in dps, the ring does both hp and energy regen, and has a great defence boost skiop very useful for warriors


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