Could You Make A DETAILED Comparsion Please?
Mages can't lock 4*'s- takes about 3 secs for firebolt/shards to hit, takes 0 secs for ss to hit. If firebolt/shards does hit a 4* placeholder it does 1000 dmg, adding a lure means more time wasted. Full mage combo takes about 7+ secs, while ss qs sneaky takes 2. Edge- rogues by far
Impossible to solo 4* mobs as a mage in tower, have to watch where other mobs are so u dont aoe multiple and get wrecked, no auto dmg, no armor, no decent dmg reduction skills. Rogues not on haste can solo more effectively than mages on all lix. Edge- rogues by far
High tier mage gear is very hard to get (imperial/godly spider rings, skulls, hrung helms, mordris braces). Rogue is even harder to find godly/void gear due to competition for drops, but you can substitute shop lux and get comparable stats. Edge- rogues
Ice blast and firestorm are nice and all, but with no armor and no healing skills you won't last long farming higher level mobs unless you have sigs. Shadowstrike and riposte with reflexes make rogues easier for farming (can afk auto farm as a rogue too). Edge- rogues
Raid/6* edl bosses:
Even with a maxed lure, mage skills hit very low compared to max dmg on most bosses, some exceptions being onyxclaw, 195, and 200 event drag. Usually there is a pierce lure mage present anyways so the lures give no extra benefit to mages. You will seldom find a mage in the lock group for mordris or hrungnir. Edge- rogues
Dl/edl weps:
Among all the dl/edl armor pieces, weps, and offhands, the only one I would use is an edl offhand. But since the skill cooldown starts once I get to a boss (after getting off mount and equipping book) I sometimes don't even get to cast the offhand skill before lock happens. Ancient beastbone is better than edl gloves for many builds. Whereas dl/edl set is a must for rogues and the offhands are very useful for locks. Edge- rogues
Noone really cares. A good pvp mage uses skills he normally wouldnt on a dps build (e shield, ice, maybe freeze, offhand shield). A dps rogue destroys a dps mage in half a second.
Plat expense:
Mages have to alt often (if you freeze mordris), a rogue doesn't. I run 2100 hp and 2500 e sigs on a mage, a rogue doesn't need sigs. Edge- rogues
I'll admit I was being very biased and mages aren't all that awful. But there are very few situations I can think of where an extra mage is more useful than an extra rogue