Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Letting weaker players win endgame bosses

You need hrung at 220, pathetic.
And its not their fault for playing it wise and staying at 180s
Innercircle still kills hrung no? Your 220+ members still use hrung braces no?
Yes indeed innercircle still kills hrung. Although we lost many hrungs to DEADLIEST, we did never rant about game mechanics
M7 (Rogue)- 218 Proud clansman of InnerCircle

Re: Letting weaker players win endgame bosses

I still think I had the best solution to this problem. Add snorri crowns into the mordy loot table . End game players who have out leveled snorri will still get their much needed dl mh and oh , and would let the players who are at the snorri level continue to get snorri and get what they need . I don't see how anyone would have a issue with this solution
Nueee lvl 222 Ranger

Selfie lvl 125+ rogue ( Retired)

Best rapper in the ch community
Search Nue Sizemore

Re: Letting weaker players win endgame bosses

I still think I had the best solution to this problem. Add snorri crowns into the mordy loot table . End game players who have out leveled snorri will still get their much needed dl mh and oh , and would let the players who are at the snorri level continue to get snorri and get what they need . I don't see how anyone would have a issue with this solution
It will further the rift between endgame and upcoming clans, im not reffering to Gwyidon as both clans in Gwyidon can kill mordris, but for a new clan coming up it will be a lot harder to fight locks against a clan with full dl weps on every main and alt.
The answer lies in improving Snorri spawn rate, drop rate for 4 and 5* or allowing another easily killed boss to drop crowns, such as Sreng as OTM told us a few months ago
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: Letting weaker players win endgame bosses

I dont see any high lvls camping falgren and pyrus to sell items to noobs, I dont know why ppl do it on ur world.
purple lions go for 100-200k
Purple bears 75-150k
Drags 10k
There is much profit to be made which is why these are camped and killed
Its those who pay that much that are to blame, nothing sells for that much here, drags sell for 4k or given for free, and all ow bosses are called by low lvls to high lvls for help, so I dont think we camp it more than they want our help. All my crests go to our feeder clan, I never sell them, rarely any high lvl on Belenus bothers camping them and selling them. Again, this seems like something that happens on ur world, u gave prices from ur world as well, so its not our fault ur high lvls do that when snorri alone takes a while to camp.
Not even low lvls camp mobs unless they need their drops, so again its their fault, when I was 120+ I would camp pyrus for his red lions... I never needed dl weps but I keep camping them for my clan, not to stop the other clan, and there are many ppl who are tired already from camping it.

If ppl in ur world camp something just to ruin for others or for profits, they clearly have no issues camping and they dont seem to need any window times to be fixed if they have so much time to spare to camp snorri, pyrus, grommak and falgren.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Letting weaker players win endgame bosses

I still think I had the best solution to this problem. Add snorri crowns into the mordy loot table . End game players who have out leveled snorri will still get their much needed dl mh and oh , and would let the players who are at the snorri level continue to get snorri and get what they need . I don't see how anyone would have a issue with this solution
It will further the rift between endgame and upcoming clans, im not reffering to Gwyidon as both clans in Gwyidon can kill mordris, but for a new clan coming up it will be a lot harder to fight locks against a clan with full dl weps on every main and alt.
The answer lies in improving Snorri spawn rate, drop rate for 4 and 5* or allowing another easily killed boss to drop crowns, such as Sreng as OTM told us a few months ago

I must be missing your logic in this , I don't see how it will further a rift , up and coming clans will get their dl by killing snorri and the endgame players who have out leveled snorri will get the remaining dl pieces they need from killing mord. Then when the up and coming clan has their dl and want to move forward they will level and then have a fair lock battle for endgame bosses . I agree the frequency of snorri should be improved but I don't see what you mean on how it will set a " further rift " if anything it would even the playing field.
Nueee lvl 222 Ranger

Selfie lvl 125+ rogue ( Retired)

Best rapper in the ch community
Search Nue Sizemore

Re: Letting weaker players win endgame bosses

Due to the huge bottle neck of dl weps, lots in endgame clans don't have dl weps, take me for example lvl 220 no dl, now if a new clan is up and coming to lock snorri down they have to stay around 180-190 for the level lock advantage as they don't have the superior gear to outdps on the same playing field, now imagine being a weaker clan, no dl weps barely any edl sets, trying to outlock the eg clan at snorri let's say, when even the 180-190 snorri campers of the dominant clan have dl weps, it's impossible, no more snorris will be won and they will either have to pay large sums of money for crowns, that's how my clan ended up started to win bosses, we had one person who payed tons of money in update 4 for mordris spears for lots of the 180-190 rogues in the clan and we started winning bosses, eventually becoming the dominant clan early on into update 5
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: Letting weaker players win endgame bosses

Due to the huge bottle neck of dl weps, lots in endgame clans don't have dl weps, take me for example lvl 220 no dl, now if a new clan is up and coming to lock snorri down they have to stay around 180-190 for the level lock advantage as they don't have the superior gear to outdps on the same playing field, now imagine being a weaker clan, no dl weps barely any edl sets, trying to outlock the eg clan at snorri let's say, when even the 180-190 snorri campers of the dominant clan have dl weps, it's impossible, no more snorris will be won and they will either have to pay large sums of money for crowns, that's how my clan ended up started to win bosses, we had one person who payed tons of money in update 4 for mordris spears for lots of the 180-190 rogues in the clan and we started winning bosses, eventually becoming the dominant clan early on into update 5
Your scenario is only if everyone is at the same level , my scenario is how it typically is for the players who have out leveled snorri ( due to the minuscule amounts of 5-6 * snorri) and are being penalized for trying to move on to the end game but still are in need of dl mh and oh . The up and coming clans don't have competition at the snorri right now bc of the target lock and the end game players have out leveled to move on to the tower . My scenario helps everyone.
Nueee lvl 222 Ranger

Selfie lvl 125+ rogue ( Retired)

Best rapper in the ch community
Search Nue Sizemore

Re: Letting weaker players win endgame bosses

Due to the huge bottle neck of dl weps, lots in endgame clans don't have dl weps, take me for example lvl 220 no dl, now if a new clan is up and coming to lock snorri down they have to stay around 180-190 for the level lock advantage as they don't have the superior gear to outdps on the same playing field, now imagine being a weaker clan, no dl weps barely any edl sets, trying to outlock the eg clan at snorri let's say, when even the 180-190 snorri campers of the dominant clan have dl weps, it's impossible, no more snorris will be won and they will either have to pay large sums of money for crowns, that's how my clan ended up started to win bosses, we had one person who payed tons of money in update 4 for mordris spears for lots of the 180-190 rogues in the clan and we started winning bosses, eventually becoming the dominant clan early on into update 5
Your scenario is only if everyone is at the same level , my scenario is how it typically is for the players who have out leveled snorri ( due to the minuscule amounts of 5-6 * snorri) and are being penalized for trying to move on to the end game but still are in need of dl mh and oh . The up and coming clans don't have competition at the snorri right now bc of the target lock and the end game players have out leveled to move on to the tower . My scenario helps everyone.
Your scenario helps dominant clans become more dominant due to everyone in the dominant clan being able to aquire dl weps, it Dosent help anything or anyone else
Oderint Dum Metuant.

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