funny of Allymia to post that.
Leg here still thinks I was going to ks him in arena.
He cannot be a big boy and admit to his inner self that people joke around. I didn't even touch him when he was killing killian. He says I couldn't target him and thats why but that was false.
I only said, imma ks. Which imma is said when I am joking and I think ks is wrong. Little brat/joke/fool/punk just wanted a reason to be a bigger s*** bag. So no, it isn't funny that I said that. Just another proof to me why you deserve to be kicked from Anarchy, Forever
You will never change, you will just hate people secretly and those who do not occupy Anarchy or Goonies. You will be forced to comply to what Anarchy tells you to do or you will....heh, be rejected from that clan.
Almost reminds me of the first time you ks'ed my glad. I told you I was just sad that, "you will become a rejected player of Epona for your actions". You already got rejected by 3/4 of the server because you decided to make them all mad, and now to get back in (if some of the clannies ever let you back) you will need to try and get Goonies's forgiveness. I could say I told you so on forums but let's face it, we all see it.