+1I agree with u ideas there pretty good except I would love it if i could ride a mini wyvernI would love for the party hat, but make it purely a fashion item. Another great idea is the transformation charms, BUT make them a drop from a boss sorta like the connacht bosses. At this stage of the game, it's probably a 1 in 1000000 chance of getting a dragon mount. As for the magic carpets; theyre a good idea except that alot of players wont have much cash due to the recent.christmas event and all of us spending our cash on crystal armour and weps :| keep up the good work and if all the stuff suggested is too hard for the short amount of time, then just make the party hats
Re: Celtic Heroes first birthday celebration!
#42A Competion where first person to roll a one hundred every hour wins a free broom of crackeling or a free festive sled there choice
Kolare clan masmar world mabon ranger lvl 90
Equality, freedom, and colaboration-masmar
Kolare clan none yet world Rhiannon ranger lvl 10+
http://www.onethumbmobile.com/celticher ... =6&t=10481
My new area idea
Equality, freedom, and colaboration-masmar
Kolare clan none yet world Rhiannon ranger lvl 10+
http://www.onethumbmobile.com/celticher ... =6&t=10481
My new area idea
Re: Celtic Heroes first birthday celebration!
#43I do not like the 2 for 1 plat idea cuz I just spent $100 today... An mom won't let me spend another $100 on the 16th. So I like the transformation charms and the gold hat thing
Re: Celtic Heroes first birthday celebration!
#44the double plat is a bad idea. you should do the carnavial thing with mini games or quest that drop just random items. You could have them drop like one plat or gold or other items. and you could do it for the week or a couple days and this way everyone gets there chance. and you could have a bare knuckel tounament in the arena with lvl classes and the winners get rare items or gold. then you could give people 1 plat for every lvl they are and do it just once but the 2 for 1 would work but u got alot of kids that play and will prolly chargee the bill to there parents so but still the dragon thing i like as long as its like the sleds and make them cheap or break them into pieces so players got to collect the pieces then take them to say a builder in the tavern. but its how ever
thoro warrior lvl 55 lugh

thoro warrior lvl 55 lugh
"Strap on your Thor helmet and do the fandango."
Missing my Lil sammy
"Strap on your Thor helmet and do the fandango."
Missing my Lil sammy

Re: Celtic Heroes first birthday celebration!
#45Another idea would be having charms that increase te rate you gain abilities, exp, gold. Like the ones we had at Halloween. Or maybe even ones specific to the 5 new abilities from the update.
Characters: HippoManiac, Ropehander
Level: 71, 56 Bank
Class: Ranger, Warrior
World: Arawn
Clan: BadaBing for life
Level: 71, 56 Bank
Class: Ranger, Warrior
World: Arawn
Clan: BadaBing for life
Re: Celtic Heroes first birthday celebration!
#46Or a free fashion shirt with a birthday design on it or something. And i like the idea with the ages of players, if there is a record of how long players have been playing.
Re: Celtic Heroes first birthday celebration!
#48maybe this is a little to far or too greedy(?) but wat if everyone over a certain lvl got free connacht chest and greaves? 

Re: Celtic Heroes first birthday celebration!
#49extremely too far and greedy, a full set of connact goes for 200-300kmaybe this is a little to far or too greedy(?) but wat if everyone over a certain lvl got free connacht chest and greaves?
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out
Re: Celtic Heroes first birthday celebration!
#50i didnt mean a full set. but hmm. it could be like warden cant it? fighting connacht champs and lirs reach bosses and make it with shards u get?extremely too far and greedy, a full set of connact goes for 200-300kmaybe this is a little to far or too greedy(?) but wat if everyone over a certain lvl got free connacht chest and greaves?