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Drop Spring of Life?

Pre update I was totally against the rez spell. Now it's kind of cool and useful.... when it actually works. Maxed it takes 700 energy and I cannot afford to waste that when 50% of the time a spawn will just run up and 1 hit them before I can heal. A ranger friend of mine has been pestering me about dropping it for grasping roots. Roots was my favorite spell before the update btw. Anyways, my skill points are distributed as follows:

Recuperate: 1/25
Bandage Wounds: 1/25
Natures Touch: 20/25
Strangling Vines: 1/25
Grasping Roots: 1/25
Howling Wind: 1/25
Calm: 1/25
Shield of Bark: 1/25 (figured since some 100% all out focus people embrace 100+ and bark like a million armor tanks resist when I apply it anyways)
Natures Embrace: 1/25
Lightning Strike: 25/25 (seems STUPID, but i got sooooooo sick of hitting 50 with skills and hitting more with melee)
Abundance: 1/25 (decided to focus on group abundance instead)
Meditate: 2/25
Natures Breath: 15/25
Abundant Aura: 10/25
Spring of Life: 25/25 (690 energy, 2 minute "reload". You get why it's in question?)
Ward of Fire: 1/25 (This was my "spell to get" coming into the update. Just got it last night. We won't be fighting dragons any time soon so I'm keeping it at 1/25 for now)
Ward of Soldiers: 1/25 (Not much good outside PvP lol)

Keep in mind I'm still figuring out which new skills are useful and just how useful, so please no hate lol. Thanks!
ieatpeople- Druid
Hopscotch- Ranger
Xoran- Rogue
Narwhal- Mage
Nibbles- Bank

Man cannot remake himself without great suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.

Re: Drop Spring of Life?

Ya I think you should drop Springs of Life ASAP!
Take those 25 points and put them into Vines.
Otherwize you will be sooo nerfed in leveling.
Without vines you will never kill any mob that heals itself.

I have not seen Springs of Life yet but heard it is similar to root. So why do you need to Rez such a high level toon?
Honestly even if I get this spell soon I will wait till I am level 120 before considering points here.
Tell that ranger to start buying more idols.

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