.It is not a bug, read esquilax post. They are different items so they can be equipped at the same time but the regens wont stack. Only one regen of both types can be applied from the two brace slots. Same with rings..IDK, But a FOCUS wyldshrine brace and VITALITY wyldshrine brace regens do not stack. which imo sucks..
This seems like a bug if the description doesn't say that and you can actually equip both items.
I think you might be wrong. His post seems clear that Regen of the same type will not stack in the same slot type. The poster is saying Vitality and Focus don't stack in Bracelet slots.
Esquilax said.
You can only have one of each type of buff active in any slot simultaneously e.g. If you have equipped any ring that gives you a Health Regen then equip any additional ring that confers a Health Regen, the Regens will not stack, only the highest Health Regen will be counted from all items in a Ring slot. Conversly if you have 4 rings equipped and they each confer one of Health Regen, Energy Regen, Attack Speed & Run Speed buffs than all these status effects wil be applied to the character.