The Twist :
Let's make this a challenge. It will take a bit of luck and organization. Not all quests can be done in an afternoon, this one may take time.
How to participate :
A party with no members exceeding lvl 160 must kill Ymir(Bow). The party members are aloud to use lix,restos etc. The assistance of any toon over lvl 160 is strictly prohibited (Don't be a poor sport if possible, let us have fun ). More than one party can participate in the challenge for the lock.Before the battle begins I must be present to validate proper completion. If I'm not on game at that time please contact a member of "Expendables " so they can notify me. After completion you will trade the bow over to me to receive your prize.
●Each member of the winning group will equally split a purse of 800,000 gold
●Each member of the winning group will also receive 10 xp lix and 50 restoration pots
Grand Prize:
●The winner of this prize will be chosen. The most impactful member of winning group will receive an additional 100,000 gold ,15 xps , 150 restoration pots and this little guy:
Impact will be based on the player's ability with his/her class and overall performance.
High king Ymir is 140 6* and spawns in Lirs Northern Peninsula near it's furthest point overlooking the ocean.
A good time to check would be after a restart or Update, but check periodically. Have fun and good luck!