I don't know why we bother OTM aren't listening here anyway or if they are they never speak up
OTM are listening, that's why I am here.
Changes will not be instant though and class balance is a massive thing.
We would have to change stuff in a way that helps end game Rangers but does not negatively affect Rangers newly starting off.
All feedback is being relayed to the team here, that is my role.
Alright to start off I will say this, OTM is doing a heap better at replying to people on forums, which I really appreciate. That's about half the reason I started posting again. I will also say that currently it doesn't seem that OTM is really helping rangers out, which is really bad because we are in serious trouble. We can't kill a single thing in a timely manner.
Okay Muldar, allow me to name some things that would help the Ranger class without killing our 'balance'- which I would like to say, is a complete joke between level 100-180 at the least. To 100 we actually do ok, though you begin to notice things after level 50 when you start bossing (for clans just getting started, as they do exist).
1. Sharp shot- this skill needs a dmg boost in addition to needing to be FULLY instacast, aka NOT interrupting autos. SInce rogues, who are basically the mirror class of Ranger, have quickstrike completely insta, why shouldn't we? And to top it off, pummel and fire bolt and lightning are also instacast- so currently we are the only class without an instacast skill that is truly instacast. And this would actually make all rangers want to use this skill, or at least seriously consider it- and that's ALL rangers, from str to dex to hybrid and from low, mid, to high.
I want to make it perfectly clear, I am by NO MEANS asking for a nerf- I think each and every class should have at least 1 instacast skill that is truly instacast. I am just asking for some equality here.
2. Barbed shot- this skill sucks, no way around it. Low levels bother using it because they don't have any better alternatives and they don't know what other skills are out there and even if they did they generally do not have 2k gold to waste on a book of alt. The initial dmg isn't worth much and the per tick dmg is a joke.
I run a dex build, and when I finally bothered to try barbed again I literally rolled around on my floor laughing when I saw how little the per tick was. Of course that meant I died, but I just couldn't help rofling. It would be a major improvement also if this skill's dmg was changed to poison. Rogue, our mirror class, has 3 poison skills- we have 0. And that a barbed arrow would be poisoned makes sense, especially with the icon OTM has come up with.
3. Rapid Shot- this skill is COMPLETELY USELESS for low levels. Just because we have a hard time killing things in a short timespan doesn't mean one of our best dps skills should mirror that until we can put 40 points in the dang skill. This needs to be as it was in v3, where all u needed was level 1, as it had a decent cd that meant it was soon recastable, even if not on the same mob then the next one, not 2-3 mobs down the dang line.
In v3 this skill was how it should be, the skill points added to its DURATION, which is what the points are supposed to do (your a ranger, you can check this yourself). Skill points in rapid should have NOTHING to do with decreasing its cd, if OTM wants to change that I would suggest you guys change the description of Rapid.
4. Light Heal- this skill is almost fine the way it is. With one exception- the amount of time it takes to cast and its ability to easily be interrupted. A ranger trying to cast this skill shouldn't have to be worried about how many times it is going to be interrupted- even those with a dex build. If your a str build, its no wonder most don't even bother what with their lower defense.
5. Bolas- this skill is somewhat iffy. It does take a lot of energy to keep this skill working the way it is supposed to. And especially with our extremely LOW dmg, this skill should deal a small amount of dmg per tick in addition to it's slow down effect.
Bolas irl doesn't just slow someone down because it tangles their legs, it breaks bones and causes trauma. It may not kill an opponent outright (though that depends on where u throw it- a head or neck landing and you just killed your quarry) but it certainly causes damage and bleeding no matter where it lands. It would also be a great boon if OTM managed to get it so that the bolas aren't evaded as much. When I am on my ranger, if bolas misses its dead time at least 2/3 times.
This would improve the skill exponentially. If you want more rangers, and more players, you (OTM) should want to make it easier for rangers. If we can be beaten so easily by druids- who btw have been complaining since the dawn of time of their solo leveling issues (and Rightfully so)- but yet we are supposed to mirror the rogue class... And autoing is rather boring, its better to be casting skills. And if ppl are casting skills they need energy. And to get it they generally buy sigils or lux, or even both. So even if you only want to think about the possible money involved, please fix at least, the VERY least, these 5 skills.
These are just a few of our skills. I chose these because all low levels soon get these as they level up and do the beginning quests. But my real point is that by improving a class' skills, you improve the WHOLE class. Thank you very much for reading, and I look forward to OTM's, and your, reply.