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Re: Bassie's solo druid build

In conclusion, storm touch and stinging swarm have there own advantages, if you like to aggro more mobs and can stay alive to see the kill i recommend stinging swarm. On the other hand if you prefer to kill 1 at a time yet deal serious damage per mob then i suggest storm touch. Overall, the xp% varies on mob level and stars. Also if you have a mage alt or know someone who can afk lure out of group, use storm touch
+1. Well said
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Bassie's solo druid build

In conclusion, storm touch and stinging swarm have there own advantages, if you like to aggro more mobs and can stay alive to see the kill i recommend stinging swarm. On the other hand if you prefer to kill 1 at a time yet deal serious damage per mob then i suggest storm touch. Overall, the xp% varies on mob level and stars. Also if you have a mage alt or know someone who can afk lure out of group, use storm touch
Stinging swarm is far greater dps than storm touch, storm touch is just an awful skill. It has a ridiculously long cooldown for such low damage, it hits something like my lightning strike maxed and I can get several lightning in the cooldown of storm touch. Swarm is superior in every way as far as soloing goes. I mean even for group levelling where mobs die very quickly, you'll be doing better dps with swarm than storm touch.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Bassie's solo druid build

I disagree, DoT skills aren't good for group leveling, unless all the mobs you're killing are 3-4*s. Also, my lightnig strike does 5.9k max right now as a 224 hybrid. I haven't tested my max storm touch since level 220. Last i remember it was 7.8k. Now i predict it's about 8.5k. Compared to my max stinging swarm 1.3k DoT. Storm touch is still far a better choice imo.

Re: Bassie's solo druid build

I disagree, DoT skills aren't good for group leveling, unless all the mobs you're killing are 3-4*s. Also, my lightnig strike does 5.9k max right now as a 224 hybrid. I haven't tested my max storm touch since level 220. Last i remember it was 7.8k. Now i predict it's about 8.5k. Compared to my max stinging swarm 1.3k DoT. Storm touch is still far a better choice imo.
Group levelling on 1-2* mobs isn't good, so it is always good to use DoT for effective group levelling(which is on 3-4* mobs).

I haven't timed storm touch nor used it for about a month but I believe it was either 30-45 seconds cooldown. Let's say 30 seconds just to make it sound better. You can keep swarm on a mob constantly for a full minute, and cast storm 3 times on the same mob. My storm touch maxed hit ~2k(same as lightning), and my bees hit ~800 per tick. So that's 6k a minute for storm touch, or 9.6k a minute from swarm...

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Bassie's solo druid build

For me at 187 soloing is quite effective. I get 0.9-0.95 of a red bar per rainbow elixir. I also don't use pots very often at all unless I'm in serious trouble or need a quick boost of energy(maybe 5 pots a lix). Here are my stats and gear. Quite nooby as this is just my alt that I don't play all too frequently:
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I use nat touch, bark, swarm, vines, and lightning. I pull 2-3 mobs at a time in order to maximize DoT capabilities and I only cast lightning on mobs with the highest hp so that DoT's can do their work as intended.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Bassie's solo druid build

I disagree, DoT skills aren't good for group leveling, unless all the mobs you're killing are 3-4*s. Also, my lightnig strike does 5.9k max right now as a 224 hybrid. I haven't tested my max storm touch since level 220. Last i remember it was 7.8k. Now i predict it's about 8.5k. Compared to my max stinging swarm 1.3k DoT. Storm touch is still far a better choice imo.
You keep forgetting we are discussing SOLO builds.

Vulture, how much health do you have?
Killsteal LOCK Rogue Level 175
Killheal Druid level 195
Proud clansman of WolfGang


:D :D :mrgreen: Thank You for the Snorri Patch! :mrgreen: :D :D

Re: Bassie's solo druid build

I disagree, DoT skills aren't good for group leveling, unless all the mobs you're killing are 3-4*s. Also, my lightnig strike does 5.9k max right now as a 224 hybrid. I haven't tested my max storm touch since level 220. Last i remember it was 7.8k. Now i predict it's about 8.5k. Compared to my max stinging swarm 1.3k DoT. Storm touch is still far a better choice imo.
You keep forgetting we are discussing SOLO builds.

Vulture, how much health do you have?
i see your health now, (on iPhone so the pic was being goofy.

Do you think that is enough health to take on 2 mobs (without rainbow lixing?) I use sk and energy Lixs only.
I recently rebirths to 5k health (lower with some skill rings) and still have maxed vines and strike.
I had 3500 before and always felt it was too low on 3-4* leveling. With bark I had far too many interrupts and had to end up tanking the mobs and heal between them.
Killsteal LOCK Rogue Level 175
Killheal Druid level 195
Proud clansman of WolfGang


:D :D :mrgreen: Thank You for the Snorri Patch! :mrgreen: :D :D

Re: Bassie's solo druid build

I disagree, DoT skills aren't good for group leveling, unless all the mobs you're killing are 3-4*s. Also, my lightnig strike does 5.9k max right now as a 224 hybrid. I haven't tested my max storm touch since level 220. Last i remember it was 7.8k. Now i predict it's about 8.5k. Compared to my max stinging swarm 1.3k DoT. Storm touch is still far a better choice imo.
I'm assuming with magic lure? Let's take lure out of it. I'd like to see what your storm touch does on 3* or 4* mob at your level unlured.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Bassie's solo druid build

I disagree, DoT skills aren't good for group leveling, unless all the mobs you're killing are 3-4*s. Also, my lightnig strike does 5.9k max right now as a 224 hybrid. I haven't tested my max storm touch since level 220. Last i remember it was 7.8k. Now i predict it's about 8.5k. Compared to my max stinging swarm 1.3k DoT. Storm touch is still far a better choice imo.
You keep forgetting we are discussing SOLO builds.

Vulture, how much health do you have?
i see your health now, (on iPhone so the pic was being goofy.

Do you think that is enough health to take on 2 mobs (without rainbow lixing?) I use sk and energy Lixs only.
I recently rebirths to 5k health (lower with some skill rings) and still have maxed vines and strike.
I had 3500 before and always felt it was too low on 3-4* leveling. With bark I had far too many interrupts and had to end up tanking the mobs and heal between them.
By 2-3 mobs I mean 3 and 4* mobs. If I pull a 4* and a 3* together it's tough even on the lixes, but with a 1 or 2* it's like they aren't even there. If you were only training on 1-2* mobs then you definitely don't need rainbow lixes.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

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