Well, for one, endgame toons typically aren't having to alt and rebirth every mord. They'd also have full edl and probably the wep as well. If you're talking top 5 melee dps on any ios world they'd all have edl mainhand and offhand, a mord helm, skain set or equivalent lux setup, attack and/or dmg braces, plus reaper ring.
I don't think android worlds are close to having any toons that meet this description, therefore what you experience on android as a top dps would be different from what you experience on an ios world. Savaged, 10% boost in dps is a huge difference I'd say. And it's gonna be more on a boss like necro or mord when divine dmg makes up a large portion of your dps. Point is, the higher "tier" dps you are, the larger the difference between rogues and rangers for auto dps. And I don't think the bonus skill dmg from rogues gets much better past the 50 skill point barrier
I'm aware of the fact android toons aren't as decked out as ios obviously ATM . What I meant is between an endgame rogue and an endgame ranger rocking similar gear,having dmg sets, helms, edl weps and reaper rings. Head to head. There isn't anything to say a Ranger is head and shoulders above the rogue just because their edl bow hits cap. Skills does decide, even if they land low is what I'm saying. The higher auto damage of rangers compared to rogues comes from the Pierce damage of bow,not the skain sets, not the dmg bracers, not divine damage nor armor heat damage(divine and blood set IS the main source of dps) . And we all know how much Pierce is resisted on raid bosses. It is true more offhand rogues at a fight means less dps individually for a rogue(TY OTM) and more for rangers, but if there's a good understanding between them and they rotate spites equally rather overriding then game changes.