Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: The TRUTH about Taranis

Yes it sounds boring at all, but why make an essay about it? If you've played on other servers, most of the things you mentioned exist everywhere.

So you're warning people about the game in general, not just about what Taranis is like.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: The TRUTH about Taranis

Lolz Mhmm k sure buddy keep believing that. You gotta face the truth though. Taranis is not fun anymore and it's basically killed with too many rules. You can keep living in your lala land but buddy Im already out. Packed and left a while ago. And im sure slowly people will leave to. It'll take time but haha that server is not fun. No competition what so ever or lock battles that are fun. Just atrocious XD haters gonna hate #honesty. Now gtfo :)
Too many rules. Y'know don't ya just hate it when you essentially scam a top clan and people care. I mean come on its not like they need those drops (oh wait they do). But its not like its there drops (oh wait they are) In all honesty when taranis is to me the most friendly world. We don't have gross drama yet its not boring at all as there are currently 3 clans that regularly kill some of the endgame bosses. Also, we don't have many scammers! People who rip off top clans count as scammer fyi.
I am awesome -me :)
level ---- Hybrid mage - taranis
First person ever to cosplay celtic heroes http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =4&t=78414
rubber chicken :O

Re: The TRUTH about Taranis

Lolz can't wait till you are high lvl and bored out of your mind!! And then get treated like your a piece of meat, ordered around and what not XD haha!! :,) so funny! Wow your words really get to me!! Oh my gosh! I care Sooo much. WRONG. If someone wants to know where hell is i can point you in the right direction. Go to Taranis XD lmfao

Re: The TRUTH about Taranis

Lolz can't wait till you are high lvl and bored out of your mind!! And then get treated like your a piece of meat, ordered around and what not XD haha!! :,) so funny! Wow your words really get to me!! Oh my gosh! I care Sooo much. WRONG. If someone wants to know where hell is i can point you in the right direction. Go to Taranis XD lmfao
I have been on taranis for over the last 3 years... If you "don't care" so much why did you decide to put an incorrect rant on the forums. Are you saying that high levels have it worse than low levels? When you scam a top clan on taranis you get punished. You got off easy with just being kicked and not let back. It would not be overkill to be ksed mercilessly if you SCAMMED A TOP CLAN for millions of gold in items. Of course though the clans kept cool heads and just made you leave. Also if you decide "eh I'm bored of this clan" YOU SHOULDN'T BE in a top clan. The clan is a team of tons of people working TOGETHER and when they let you get some great drops you can't just sell it. That would be like if you are letting me stay in your house for really low rent and I decide "eh i'm bored of this house" so I sell your house. It is no different.
I am awesome -me :)
level ---- Hybrid mage - taranis
First person ever to cosplay celtic heroes http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =4&t=78414
rubber chicken :O

Re: The TRUTH about Taranis

To all the Eld haters!
Eld is my lover,my sister,my puta, and occasionally my negro shes amazing! And tarnis does kinda suck right now.
#eldforpresident #freekesha #loveintothelight#snowforvicepresident #onelove#normaismymother

Re: The TRUTH about Taranis

Well if anyone playing on Taranis or thinking of joining Taranis happens to be looking for an alternative play style to that of the top clans, they are more than welcome to grp me or any other equal clan members for dl/edl bosses and if there happen to be enough of us then world and higher lvl event bosses :)

We have simple world boss looting system, if item is for your class and an upgrade then you can roll against other players of same class who need item as upgrade. If it's not an upgrade and nobody of that class wants then all people present can roll for said item if more than 1 grp is needed for boss. Once you win an item in a roll it's yours to do with as you wish :) Any dl/edl items you get in grp are yours to use sell or trade as you see fit unless more than 1 grp is needed for said boss. Then we would treat drops the same as world boss drops.

We are not trying to make up unessasary or unfair rules just trying to promote equality and the opertunities for players to find that equality.

I implore those who would leave or start playing on this server to give this style/system of playing a chance. If enough people of like mind choose their own path for themselves then it's still possible to change the way this game is played here.

This game is what we make it, it's not impossible to change things here it's just hard but it's not impossible.
Tanaris - Rogue - lvl211+ - Hamwallett "retired"
Rose - Druid - lvl1+ - MissBlack '"Main"

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