Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

there is something to that idea - that intentionally leaving and then rejoining should have some consequence. Loyalty and consistency are important qualities.

look forward to seeing Toy's view on these topics
Civility, Integrity, and the Hermeneutic of Generosity

World: Lugh
Akbar: Ranger 220+
DrXyn-Druid 180+
Xyn: Mage 170+
Rabka: Rogue 150+
Rabak: Warrior 90+
Clan: Chieftain of Ancients

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

Although as you may know i have recently left ancients for the rival clan, but i 100% agree with all that is said but i was confused about the bank situation. I am not restricted to one clan but it is impossible to be in both clans without some contraversy. I think the idea about flexible guardian and general levels based on other factors is a good idea but some people may think differently about who is worthy of this, and if someone disagrees the final discision should be made by toy himself. I hope you appreciate my outside oppinion and i like the time and effort you have put into this theory i hope you get it working.

Re: Clan Ancient Thread



  • PRIME RULES (last update 14th July 2012 - banned list update)
    - Banned players and/or players with issues will be added to the section BANNED PLAYERS AND PLAYERS WITH KNOWN ISSUES at the end of this post.
    - Minimum level for joining Antients is 95 *). After 20th August there are no exceptions to this rule **). Not even for character alts. Even if the character is level 94 he or she has to wait until reaching level 95 before he or she can join Ancients.
    - Any alts below 95 are encouridged to join clan PHOENIX which is considered a sibling clan to Antients for characters below level 95. This is not a requirement but a suggestion.
    - Try helping others and try to be useful to others.
    - Do not demand other clan mates to help you with superior mobs (10+ your level).
    - Do not demand higher level clan mates to help you with levelling up. Try to ask similar level clan mates to join in group instead and level up together.
    - Do not exploit other clan mates. This will backfire on you very soon and no one will help you when you will need it most.
    - If you fight in a group and you get a drop that you do not need ask the group and your clan mates first whether they need the drop before you shout that you are selling it. Although it may seem strange please do realize that without others helping you you would probably never get the drop and if you will be selfish you will most likely not be invited to another boss fights. If you give what you don't need for free others will like you and most likely will return you the favour.
    - Do realize that fighting bosses costs idols and restoration potions. If you cannot afford them and you need others to help you it is customary to at least thank others for helping you.
    - Try to be impartial and try not to allow your personal stuff to cloud your judgment.
    - Remember the game is about team play and about having fun. Although an individual can become strong a single person will never can progress too far and a group will always eventualy make it further than the individual.
    - Be polite.
    - Do not exploit others.
    - Do not be selfish and try to help others. But do not get yourself exploited and if feeling so do not be afraid to tell it.
    - Do not demand anything from others, if you need anything, ask nicely and do not annoy others if refused.
    - Do not scam.
    - Tell your guardian or your chieftain before leaving the clan.
    - All problematic clan members or clan members with a continuous bad history will be warned and if not improving they will be kicked.
    - For a serious action or for not following our prime rules clan members may be kicked without a warning.
    - Any members who feel unhappy in the clan are encouridged to talk to me, clan generals, or clan guardians so we could try to solve any issues (if possible, of course)

    *) As of now, all new members are required to be level 95. ***UPDATED***
    - Current members have time till 30th July 2012 to reach level 90 (2 weeks from now) and till 20th August to reach level 95 (5 weeks from now).
    - Any clan members including alts who will not be level 90 by 30th July and level 95 by 20th August will be kicked out of the clan without further warning. No exceptions.
    **) The exceptions before 20th Autgust are described in *) above.
    - I suggest all to start levelling. It is relatively easy to level up to level 100 but it takes some time and every level it goes a bit slower.
    - When joining boss fights a player is strongly suggested to have resurrection idols. The minimum number of idols is 5 for easiest bosses and the upper limit varies depending on both boss and group strength.
    - The player can ask group to buy idols before fight for a standard price of 200g per idol. The selling of idols is a favor not an obligation. If no one is willing to sell idols the player should leave the group on his own unless the group agrees he or she could fight without idols. At this case the player will be boss fighting on the groups expense so he should be well aware of it and a minimum is to thank the group.
    - If a player has no idols and a group asks him to leave the group the player will leave the group without arguing or begging to stay. There is a good reason why the group asked it.
    - For a weaker group it is recommended to have at least 10 idols per group member even for weaker bosses.
    - For stronger bosses it is recommended to have at least 20 idols per group member and you should be aware that for really hard bosses and even a medium groups could spent well over 50 idols.
    - If a lower level player is allowed to join a stronger group or a stronger boss fight and he gets a drop he does not need he will give this drop to any clan member in group who needs it for free. If no clan member inside group needs it he should offer the item to the clan for a discounted clan price. If no one in the clan needs it (ask several times for a few days) then the player could sell it elsewhere for a full price.
    - Greedy players keeping drops they do not deserve or trying to exploit clan members will be kicked out from the clan.
    - Selfish players or players who will try to play on expense of other clan members will be kicked out from the clan.
    - If you die during fights try to ressurrect as soon as possible.
    - If you ran out of idols and you need the kill for quest you should announce it to the group and give away any drop you get to a clan member in group who needs it.
    - If you stay lying on the ground only to get the drop this is considered as a serious greedy and selfish behavior and you will be kicked out of the clan ASAP.
    - All players are encouraged to level up and make a progress. A higher level player is much more powerful and saves resources to whole group.
    - All players are encouraged to train all abilities they use. A level is not everything. A high level player with a low primary ability score is weak. This is a serious matter because even 100 level player with low abilities could be as weak as a 50 level player with maxed abilities.
    - Do not forget about a good ballance of your level and your primary abilities. If you will be weak you will not be very helpful and other people will see that and will not invite you to critical fights like boss fights.
    - Ancients policy is NOT to ks. Any ksing actions reported will have severe consequences mostly ending up with the member being kicked and banned from Ancients.
    - If you see your members ksing or you are ksed by other clans please report it to either you guardians or clan chietain or in case of other clan to the chieftain of that clan directly. Any reports will be delt with as soon as possible by both clans. Note: Since the main problem now is between Ancients and Berserkers, just a note, that Berserkers' chieftain is SHADOWKRAR aka S007.
    - If you ks on a mob by an accident (you attack without noticing the other player or it is too late to abort) is is customery to appologize.
    - If you are helping others and you happen to ks by an acciedent do offer the drops you get the the group you were helping. This happens sometimes in it is customery not to take advantage to this case.
    - Ancients policy is to help others. However this does not mean any Ancient should let himself or herself being exploited.
    - If you are fighting a boss and you recieve a grouping invite you should accept it. This does not apply to these two situations:
    • - First, the mob is under half his health. *)
      - Second, the person who asks to join is severly underlevelled (see below).
      *) In this case you should ask others in group to let someone in because you all spent resources in the fight and adding another person will make the person to get the kill on expense of others.
    - If there are two groups for the same boss (or other mob) try to negotiate first about who needs it for quest and let those members in. You could also agree that one group will help the other group. If no agreement is reached than the group being the first at the place should be let to fight the boss. Do not count on the "first to hit has the right", because different players see it differently.
    - Grouping policy does not need to apply to severly underlevelled members (10 or more levels below the group average), e.g. boss is level 130 and the member wanting to group is below level 100. In this case you can let this member to the group as an act of a good will but you are not obliged to do so. In general we are trying to help others but I understand that some bossfights are still too expensive. Please note that there is no fixed line to this just a good reason. If all group members are above level 115 and a member of level 95 would like to join to fight Rockbelly this may or may not be taken as being underlevelled although the group average and the player level different is well over 20 levels (for Rockbelly level 95 is still a good level). This depends on the group members to agree. On the other hand if the same group is asked by a member of level 95 to fight Chained King this player is obviously underlevelled (20+ level below on a very hard boss is just too much).
    - Lower level members, please understand that every boss fight costs idols and/or potions and you can contribute very little to it if you are too low level so you get the quest on expense of others. The harder boss the more the expense. Please be sane and do not demand to join these fights. If you are invited to a group of members far superior to your level (i.e. 10+ levels up) anyway and you get the drop you should offer the drop to others in case someone needs it. If no one needs it and you do not need it yourself, you should offer it to clan members first free or for a good price. Please realize, that without the support from others you will most likely never get the drop and if you will be seen as greedy others will not invite you other time when you would really need help.
    - Ancients will NOT support greedy and selfish people.
    - Ancients policy is to share what you don't need or sell your fellows for a good price first. I know everyone needs huge amounts of gold and the best stuff free but this simply will not happen. The best attitude is to trade stuff and give or take some nice stuff free and in case of rare stuff you do not need also either trade for what you need or sell for a good price to clanmates who need.
    - If you get a drop in a group and you do not need it or want it you should ask other people in the group if they need it first. If they do you should either give them free or for a good price.
    - If you have a drop you don't need or want you should ask your clanmates first before selling it. If someone needs you should either give them free or for a good price.
    - Please realize, that people will remember if you are nice to them and if you give something away free, next time you could be given some nice stuff free too.
    - Also please realize, that no one likes greedy people nor beggars. If you want everything free but you always sell on full price you could end up as a very unpopular person and you might not be invited in groups because of your attitude.
    - SCAMMERS ALERT: Many scammers with similar names are raiding the game so be careful. A few guidelines to help you avoid being scammed are here.
    - Situation 1: When a person you do not know claims he is a person you know, be very careful. This is most likely a scammer. Some suggest to check the persons level and clan.If clanless or too low level it is always suspicious but could be when a new character is created.
    - Solution: You should ask the person to log on his main account and ask him to tell his alts from the account you know. If the person is telling you he cannot for some reason, it is a scammer in 99.9% cases. Do report this using in-game support immediately. I have confirmed with developers that they have zero scammer tolerance policy and those accounts are blocked very fast when reported soon and most of the stuff could be returned.
    - Situation 2: Someone is trading with you anything for a suspiciosly low price. Beware. Some scammers use tactics that they show you e.g. heroic boots and then swich them with scale boots which has the same image.
    - Solution: Doublecheck and tripplecheck what you are trading on the confirmation screen. If scammed this way you will most likely not get your stuff back because you lost your stuff by being reckless and stupid. You could contact in-game support too but in this case there is very little chance you will get your stuff back.
    - Situation 3: Someone offers you to transfer your stuff or you ask someone to transfer your stuff. In this case please do realize that you are putting an absolute trust in the person. It is like you you are giving an access to your lifelong savings so think twice when doing so. Some scammers do several transfers for you to gain your trust but when you ask them to transfer some very rare item you might get a nasty surprise. Also consider that some players are sharing accounts with their friends and relatives. You could trust a person but you never know who is behind the account at the moment unless you know for sure that the person plays the account exclusively.
    - Solution: There is no absolute solution to this unless you have two devices and you can transfer on your own. However some players are more trustworthy in the game than others so choose carefuly who you put your trust in.
    • - Generals will be selected by the clan chieftain. It is up to the chieftain why he selected a general and no one will question this selection.
      - There is no minimum level for a general. All generals are selected by the chieftain as he or she sees fit.
      - There will be 3 generals only all the time. Since the generals have almost the same power as chieftain there definitely should be a limit to this.
      - A general can step down in favour of other player. Chieftain has to aprove the new player before he or she can become a general.
      - Each general can select up to 2 guardians himself. There is no requierement for any general to have all guardians. He can select 2, 1, or 0 guardians. The general is then responsible for the guardians he selected and should provide guidance for them in case they need it.
      - Only the chieftain or general could question other general's selection. If this is the case the chieftain and the generals will discuss this and the general's selection could be negated. Fot the purpose of voting the chieftain has one vote while each general has one vote. Everyone has to vote in favour or against the selected guardian. If anyone passes the voting it is counted as another chieftain's vote.
      - Each cheaftain will provide guidance for others and will try to help others. Please bear in mind thought, that you are not obliged to do everything for free, but try to make your services affordable and do not exploit others in no way.
    • - Guardians will be selected by clan generals and the chieftain. Each guardian and the chieftain can assign up to two guardians.
      - There is no minimum level for guardian. A general could select his or hers two guardians as he or she sees fit.
      - Only chieftain can question selection of a guardian by a general. No general can question a selection of another general nor the chieftain. If a chieftain has doubts about other general's selection of a guardian he or she will discuss it with the chieftain only. After a concensus is made it will be presented to other generals for disucssion.
      - There will be 8 guardians only all the time. 6 selected by generals and 2 selected by the chieftain. In rare occasions the chieftain only can assign more than two guardians but no general can do this without explicit permission of the chieftain.
      - Every general is responsible for the guardians he or she selected and is obliged to provide guideance in case the guardian needs it.
      - A general can replace a guardian he or she selected without any explicit permission from the chieftain.
      - A guardian can step down in favour of other player. His general or chieftain has to aprove the new player before he or she can become a guardian.
      - Each guardian can recruit new players at his own will without any permission from general or the chieftain. The guardian is responsible for the players he or she recruited.
      - Both the chieftain and any general can question the guardians recruitment. If this is the case all generals and the chieftain will discuss this and the conclusion is presented to the guardian.
      - Each guardian will provide guidance for others and will try to help others. Please bear in mind thought, that you are not obliged to do everything for free, but try to make your services affordable and do not exploit others in no way.
    • - Every recruit will be promoted to a clan member as soon as he reaches level 100. This promotion is automatic. The recruit can ask any clan member, a guardian, a general, or the chieftain to be promoted as soon as he reaches level 100 and the person asked is obliged to perform the promotion to the recruit to make him or her a clan member.
      - Clan members are allowed to promote any recruits to clan members if they are at least level 100.
      - Clan members are not allowed to demote anyone without explicit order from a guardian, a general or the chieftain.
      - Every member of clan PHOENIX will be automatically promoted to a clan member when he or she will join Ancirents.
      - Each clan member will provide guidance for others and will try to help others. Please bear in mind thought, that you are not obliged to do everything for free, but try to make your services affordable and do not exploit others in no way.
    • - Anyone who join Ancients and is below level 100 will be a Recruit. The only exception are people who switched from PHOENIX which has proven their loyalty and become clan members automatically. ***UPDATED***
      - Each recruit tries to provide guidance for others and will try to help others. Please bear in mind thought, that you are not obliged to do everything for free, but try to make your services affordable and do not exploit others in no way.
    • - If you consider leaving the clan announce it to your guardian, general, or the chieftain first. If you do not do this an leave the clan without any notice, this will be taken into account if you ever plan to rejoin.
      - Anyone who leaves the clan and rejoines will become a recruit or a clan member according to his or hers level. He or she will not be reinstated into his or hers function before leaving the clan.
    • - Only chieftain can kick other members without announcing it to others.
      - Every general, guardian, or clan member has to discuss this with his superiors or the clan chieftain directly before kicking you anyone.
      - In case of serious violation of the clan rules any general or guardian could kick out a clan member without asking the chieftain first. However they should notify the chieftain or other generals and/or guardians about why they kicked the clan member so we make sure the clan member will not be invited back. It would be good if you send me an e-mail so I could update the banned list bellow. ***UPDATED***
    This list will be updated and banned former Ancients members or players with known issues. If known, the player's alts will be also listed. Also a short description of why the players was kicked or of a player issue description will be included.
    - mrpvp - former member - multiple reports (over 5 people) on ksing own clan members and others
    - leprechaun - former member - multiple reports (over 5 people) on ksing own clan members and others
    - Randomkiller - former member - multiple reports (over 5 people) on ksing own clan members and others, left group before the end of the fight to get drops
    - Stefball - former member - problematic member, multiple flames over clan chat, which drove some members from the clan
    - Swag112 - multiple reports (over 5 people) on ksing
    - XRogueX123 - former member - lying to clanmates, staying on ground to get the drop
Last edited by toycat on Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:35 pm, edited 8 times in total.
... Toycat the Druid of Ancients in world Lugh ...
:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Patience is a virtue :. .:. .:. .:. .:

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

Hello clan,

After hearing the news about lady being scammed(im very sorry for u lady) i ve thought of an saftey measure to prevent this in the future.

We will implement a code system for transferring good within the clan.

In case of doubt of ones identity,

Player 1 types codeword 1 ( has to be decided)
Player 2 responds with codeword 2

These codewords will distributed within the clan among all members above recuit.
Extra safety: codewords will be changed after a certain amount of time.

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

Hey Guy thanks for your sympathy...but it really doesn’t need to be that complicated! People should just not be as naive as I am :!: If anyone asks for something and it’s a new alt. Just ask for the main to log in and tell you that they have started a new alt...really easy...only need half a sec of reflection :shock:

Btw. Super post Toy and Akbar, well though through.
My dear sweet boy thank you for those kind words :D

LadyB aka Lady in Red aka naive Lady....
LadyB - Ancient - LVL 188 Druid
MagicB - Ancient - LVL 188 Mage

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

A lot of cool ideas here !

Especially from ak... Can I suggest a donation to another special bank with a realiable third party ? If you get a really unknow item or special drop, thanks to trade them to the ancients external shadowbank.

Large amounts of gold are also accepted and will be redistributed between the best of ancients members after a while. (time of redistribution and to who is under the appreciation of the third party transaction and not submited to any general, guardians and even ancient's chieftain)

You can either trade Mr S007 or of course... Sir Shadowkrar at your service !
SHADOWKRAR : Warrior 182 Full Glacial
S007 : Rogue 182 Full Glacial / Full Radiant
SHADOWSNIPPER : Ranger 72 Full Meteroric
World : Lugh
Clan : Chieftain of BERSERKERS clan

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

A lot of cool ideas here !

Especially from ak... Can I suggest a donation to another special bank with a realiable third party ? If you get a really unknow item or special drop, thanks to trade them to the ancients external shadowbank.

Large amounts of gold are also accepted and will be redistributed between the best of ancients members after a while. (time of redistribution and to who is under the appreciation of the third party transaction and not submited to any general, guardians and even ancient's chieftain)

You can either trade Mr S007 or of course... Sir Shadowkrar at your service !
I don't quite understand the logic behind this...why can't we just have a clan bank for this; why is an external bank needed? :)

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