Swarm does divine dmg. If you don't believe me, go to the wraiths in stonevale that can only be killed with the quest divine dmg dagger. You know what else kills them? SwarmSwarm is poison damage, not divine.I don't see any point in crush lure though, it's not like totem will do anything? (Aside from the divine damage proc) Also, wasn't swarm poison? Or is it poison and divine damage?Druids have gotten the kill on hrung and mord. There was a thread on here at one point where it was posted wirh screen shots of a druid getting a mord kill in ios. It's been a bit back.
Swarm does divine dmg. And if you had a mage luring crush and magic you'd do a fair amount of dmg
Re: Druid Kills
#11Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue
Noah Fences 220 Rogue