Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Warrior tank showoff

Why compare hp. When u can compare who gets first gele kill:/

because the person with the first gelebron kill couldnt have done it without someone with insanely high hp.
just like the guy with insanely high hp couldnt have done it without a druid behind him.

its a team effort that requires multiple aspects.

Amen Brother....
Jawbone 202 warrior
Fixjaw 197 druid
Leveled not bought or gifted

Re: Warrior tank showoff

This topic was really fun ❤️
Some good competition always spiced the game up :p
I am not enjoying the game anymore since i have heard other servers been killing gelebron while our server is just farming proteus and other bosses all the time.... Just EWWWWW such a shame
Epona's #1 Tank (arrogant but true)
Dilvar (lvl 222) no Alts.
Chieftain of Anarchy since years.
Life is beautiful cause you are in it (looks in mirror)

Re: Warrior tank showoff

This topic was really fun ❤️
Some good competition always spiced the game up :p
I am not enjoying the game anymore since i have heard other servers been killing gelebron while our server is just farming proteus and other bosses all the time.... Just EWWWWW such a shame
Ahh..... Fine I guess. If the game gets boring only because ur clan didnt get the raid boss first, what did u do at the rest of the raid bosses? Epona was never first.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Warrior tank showoff

Nah i don't care about being first to kill, it wont happen i Know. I was just annoyed that we still could not get gele down just because of some little drama. But its fixed and gele is down with all our clans together.

All good now, HappyDil❤️
Epona's #1 Tank (arrogant but true)
Dilvar (lvl 222) no Alts.
Chieftain of Anarchy since years.
Life is beautiful cause you are in it (looks in mirror)

Re: Warrior tank showoff

Why compare hp. When u can compare who gets first gele kill:/

because the person with the first gelebron kill couldnt have done it without someone with insanely high hp.
just like the guy with insanely high hp couldnt have done it without a druid behind him.

its a team effort that requires multiple aspects.

Amen Brother....
The tank on the first Gelebron kill did not have insane HP. His HP unbuffed was 20k. I don't know what it was buffed but no more than 25k. It is not the size of Hp that matters but how you use it...or so I am told. ;)
Gibble Warrior level 217
Taunt early, Taunt often.

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