Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Has any world killed arawn?

yes I've killed arwan(lvl 2 alt of mine).....does that count?
Yep. Thread closed.
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Re: Has any world killed arawn?

How can a human kill a god that didn't even exist? :
^ i hope you are joking

:p the first server that kills him will be danicing of the forums for weeks
Good luck to those who may attempt to kill him (you can do it! Woo!)
Issartri - Ranger - Fingal - 170 - Blackfyre
Issartri - Ranger - Arawn - 80+
I quit, again, no one enjoys the game anymore bc yall complain too much, the whole thing is revolving around bosses and selfish dom clans.
Peace out - Issa

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