Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Bad rogue glitches at 5th Gelebron kill

Heals an ally for 2000 magic damage? What does that even mean?
A long time ago, the skill descriptions for the Necro totems originally said "heals ally for xxx damage", which were later changed to "restores xxx health to an ally" to avoid confusion.

Guess whoever did the original description for Necro totems also did the description for Gelebron totems, and he/she didn't get the memo.

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Re: Bad rogue glitches at 5th Gelebron kill

Heals an ally for 2000 magic damage? What does that even mean?
A long time ago, the skill descriptions for the Necro totems originally said "heals ally for xxx damage", which were later changed to "restores xxx health to an ally" to avoid confusion.

Guess whoever did the original description for Necro totems also did the description for Gelebron totems, and he/she didn't get the memo.
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Re: Bad rogue glitches at 5th Gelebron kill

Heals an ally for 2000 magic damage? What does that even mean?
A long time ago, the skill descriptions for the Necro totems originally said "heals ally for xxx damage", which were later changed to "restores xxx health to an ally" to avoid confusion.

Guess whoever did the original description for Necro totems also did the description for Gelebron totems, and he/she didn't get the memo.
I know, but magic damage?
Good discussion boys

Re: Bad rogue glitches at 5th Gelebron kill

We also noted that crystals now respawn with some uneven pauses in between. Like three will respawn first then a pause before next three respawned then another pause before the last ones respawn. Was there a patch that changed it? The crystals used to respawn one by one at same interval in the first three kills but changed in the 4th and 5th kills.
Just killed it on Mabon again. Crystals seemed the same from where I was at on sents, nobody really said anything was off. Maybe you had a quick lag spike before they spawned?
Sasuke579 - Warrior Lv220 - Main
Smirk - Rogue Lv120 - Alternate
Payload - Mage lv175 - Alternate
World: Mabon
Clan: Novalis
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Nastystonze - Rogue Lv112
World: Danu

Re: Bad rogue glitches at 5th Gelebron kill

We also noted that crystals now respawn with some uneven pauses in between. Like three will respawn first then a pause before next three respawned then another pause before the last ones respawn. Was there a patch that changed it? The crystals used to respawn one by one at same interval in the first three kills but changed in the 4th and 5th kills.
Just killed it on Mabon again. Crystals seemed the same from where I was at on sents, nobody really said anything was off. Maybe you had a quick lag spike before they spawned?
Gratz on your kill. Not lag. We had all our toons set to char default and fast terrain. We noticed change in 4th kill after the mysterious Arawn server reset.

Re: Bad rogue glitches at 5th Gelebron kill

Muldar, the glitches that affected the rogues as follows:

1. Some rogues can't auto hit gele standing on the edge of the platform. Can only cast skills Attack. This happened after we killed last crystal at the front and move to nearest jut-in area on the platform to hit gele. For example, if last crystal killed is the one at south side of gele and we try to hit gele on the south platform, the glitch happened and we have to move to north side to be able to hit gele.

2 ss glitch resulting in rogues landing in the pit and can't get out.

We also noted that crystals now respawn with some uneven pauses in between. Like three will respawn first then a pause before next three respawned then another pause before the last ones respawn. Was there a patch that changed it? The crystals used to respawn one by one at same interval in the first three kills but changed in the 4th and 5th kills.
So everyone is aware, please do not use Shadowstrike at the moment. Due to the way it works it has a tendency to move you through terrain.

The team are working on further fixes so that Shadowstrike does not affect the Arcane Sanctum.

No changes to crystals, possibly just the timing of their kills? I believe they still have a min - max on when they spawn but the window is smaller I'd have to ask regarding timer tomorrow.

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