I would like to see the following changes:
Give Doch Gul bonus for 4 pieces so we can continue to use mordi helm.
Greatly increase the armor on each piece.
Greatly increase the chaos resist on each piece.
Especially increase armor on warrior pieces. As it stands, a tank cannot use these items.
If you need to in order to make these changes, remove the cold,heat, Magic resist and evades
And somehow increase drop rate so we can acquire pieces faster.
The resists along with the armour should be increased otherwise skill hits and cloaks would destroy us. Also it would be best to add actuall damage to doch gul like occult..
Occult armour is better damage then edl and doch gul and also adds good armour and resists. Doch gul should add the same bonuses as occult along with its already current stats like the gloves add 900 shards damage.
Change the rogue armour damage to heat and not magic. Because people don't really carry around magic lure. We only have one person who uses it at proteus.
If Mage armour added these bonuses only needing the aura with one peice then a firemage could wear the edl glove for firebolt points instead of iceshards bonus.
MortalCreed 225 Rogue
EMT 136+ Druid
Zapto 215+ Mage
Noob of Avalon:D
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